I’d fought long and hard to keep Donovan’s current brand of ultra-security away from our tour. I didn’t want to make everything a damn circus. Especially with Warning Sign’s still all too fresh wounds from what had happened during the promotional shows for their last album release.
Now security would be out of my damn hands.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I tipped back my head as more security came through. Most of the staff had been already breaking down to leave. No one saw anything.
Shannon couldn’t be found. She’d told Darcy she was flying home to see her family for the couple of days we had off. While I’d been dicking around in the dressing room for an hour, Shannon had been on her way to the airport for a late flight.
So many fuckups in one little window of time.
“Miss York?” I turned toward the voice. A cop who looked about as tired as I was gave me a wan smile. “I’m Officer Jakoby. May we speak?”
“Of course.”
He led me back into my dressing room. A coffee service had been put together. Normally, I didn’t go for coffee at midnight, but I had a feeling I was going to need it.
I poured myself a cup. “Would you like one?”
“No, thank you.” Though he looked at it longingly.
I poured an extra cup and handed it to him. “I won’t tell. I think we both need it.”
He accepted the cup. “It’s been a long night.”
“Tell me about it.”
He waited for me to sit down. “Can you tell me anything about the man you were supposed to be meeting?”
I shook my head and took a sip before speaking. “I wasn’t expecting anyone. Mostly.”
He set his cup aside. “Mostly?”
I shrugged. “We do a lot of VIP things for executives. Sometimes through our label, sometimes friends and family, sometimes just the venue itself.”
He narrowed his gaze. “And…”
“I’m seeing someone and wondered if it was him.”
“Would he do something like this?”
“You’re sure?”
I nodded. “It’s not Nash’s style.”
“Nash?” He took out a notebook. His large blunt fingers made the small notebook seem as if it was better suited to a child.
I bit my lip. It wasn’t like we were keeping things a secret, but we weren’t exactly shouting that we were seeing one another from the rooftops either.
The officer looked up from his notebook. “Is there a problem?”
“We’re both very private people.”
His eyebrow rose.
“As much as one can be when we’re both famous.”