His hand drifted over my hair. Untangling the strands. Soothing me in a way I’d wondered if he was capable of.

Maybe neither of us knew.

“I want to see you in New York.” I didn’t lift my head. Didn’t dare.

If I saw a blank expression when I’d basically just laid myself open for him yet again, I wouldn’t cry. I’d probably twist off his dick with my bare hands.

What did I care if it was intact, if he intended to disappear again?

“I don’t have another three years in me.” I hated the plea in my words. I hated more that he could make me yearn for something he might not even have inside him.

For all I knew, I was alone on the stage in a way I’d never been. This time, my band didn’t have my back. The spotlight shone on me, and I held nothing in my hands but my heart.

As I offered it to a man who didn’t care enough to be cruel.

I was so in my head that I nearly missed his heart racing under my cheek. Proof that he wasn’t as blasé as he seemed.


I exhaled, but I still didn’t look at him. “Okay?”

He tucked his thumb under my chin and lifted it enough for our eyes to meet. There wasn’t a smirk in sight. “We’re both busy. Neither of us has traditional schedules. But okay.”

Even as I rejoiced, I narrowed my eyes. “Am I forcing you into this?”

“Duchess, no one forces me to do anything. Any bloke would thank his lucky stars you want to spend time with him.”

I couldn’t respond. I’d been struck mute. Perhaps permanently.

That would be a problem on tour.

He tucked my ponytails out of the way and frowned as he rubbed my shoulder. “You’re far too pink. No sunscreen?”

I shook my head. “Forgot. No sun before dawn.”

“Christ, woman.” He sat up and wrapped his arms around me as if he was a human shield. “Let’s go inside and find some aloe.” He smacked my back and I winced. Ouch. “Never mind the damn bugs. You would think that it’s close enough to fall that they would be hibernating or whatever.”

“It’s still warm enough for people to fuck outside. It’s warm enough for bugs.”

He tightened his grip. “Unexpected bonus.”

Normally, I would’ve nudged him away. Not that I’d had sex in a lifetime that wasn’t attached to him, but I wasn’t a cuddler afterward in any case.

I prided myself on being the exact opposite. Enjoy things, let loose, let go. I wasn’t a woman who pined.

I’d never been her before.

Not that he was cuddling so much as giving me a healthy dose of side-eye.

“I didn’t expect to run into your dick this morning,” I reminded him. “My yoga sessions normally last thirty minutes, give or take. Then I intended to go back inside.”

His lips quirked. “And your sex ones?”

“They don’t. Since there hasn’t been anyone since before you.” I started to rise.

He grabbed my wrist. “Is that your idea of a joke? You haven’t been with anyone but me since yesterday?”

“Try three years.” I shook off his hold and got to my feet. Suddenly, the idea of aloe and shade didn’t sound bad at all. “Let’s head back.”