“I’m sorry, love. I wasn’t thinking.” I buried my face in her mounds of fragrant hair and inhaled her in deep, greedy gulps. “I wanted to disarm you, not to scare you. That was my mistake. I’ve cursed you by loving you.”

“What?” She braced her fists against my chest and shook off my arms. “What did you say?”

I wasn’t even sure. I couldn’t control my tongue any better than the rest of me right now.

“Look at me, you bastard.” She grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged my face to hers, making our eyes level. With her tall-as-hell purple boots, we almost were anyway. She erased the rest of the distance as if it didn’t exist. “I listened to what sure as fuck sounded like you selling our feelings for a song tonight, or even worse, giving them away for free. So, if you just said what I think you fucking said, you grab your balls and look me in the eyes and say it. Say it, Alex, or we’re through.”

“I love you.” I drove my hands into her hair, getting lost in the golden mass of it. And I spoke the words against her painted lips while she trembled. “I love you. I fucking love you with every breath I have. Every heartbeat in my chest. You’re my beginning and my end and all the days in between.”

She closed her hand around the material of my shirt until I was sure the buttons would pop. Just bust at the seams under the pressure. But she said nothing.

I wasn’t nearly through.

“I didn’t give those songs to Angel. Do you think I would’ve done that to you? To us? Even if I’d wanted to trash us, incinerate every moment we’ve been given, I wouldn’t have harmed you even more to do it. I don’t think you’re selling your heart. I was the sell-out, duchess. Me.”

Her gaze was a steady flame, not flickering for a second. The heat behind it spurred me on.

“I loved music, but I loved the attention more. And when it all grew too much for me, I started using. I didn’t know how to give back what they wanted from me. I’m not like you. I don’t fucking shine. You were made for the stage. Your gift is giving back. Because you have everything inside you and more they’ll never ever, touch.”

She turned away from me and braced her hand

s on her dressing table, staring at herself in the mirror as if she didn’t recognize her own face. “That stage is my refuge. The one place I feel safe. The most me. Someone has tried to take that from me. And then tonight, I listened to the words we wrote together come out of a stranger’s mouth. Can you imagine what went through my mind? If we’d been a different sort of couple, I could’ve called you. Asked you what the hell was going on. I should have. But it’s only been a few days that you’ve been telling me anything at all and I don’t trust it.”

“Don’t trust me,” I corrected.

She shifted to face me, and her fierce beauty was staggering. “I do trust you, God help me. I don’t believe you’d lie to me. I do believe you’d run away and deflect and try to fuck me into not caring anymore. You could do it. Far too easily. Know why?” She stepped to me again, toe to toe. “Because I love you too, you bastard. I love you,” she whispered as I crushed her to me.

I kissed her with every ounce of the passion and fury and confusion inside me, all of them fighting for control. Through it all, there was love. That was what had my lips gentling against hers, and the slash of my tongue easing as I reached up to brush her hair away from her face. Then I lifted her onto the dressing table, pulling back to eye her outfit.

To let the possessiveness and jealousy inside me roar to the fore.

“You tried to kill me tonight.” I hooked my fingers in the thin chain that hung all the way down to her belly button. The web of delicate links drew my attention to her beautiful tits on the verge of overflowing their sparkling silver cups. To her tiny waist and down to the skirt that barely covered her pussy and the tops of her mile-long legs. The purple boots capped off her attire, making her even taller.

“You mean in my mind? Because you were definitely dead to me.” She hooked her legs around my hips, easing forward on the table until her barely covered slit slammed into my far too interested cock. “But you yourself? I wouldn’t kill you. I have too many uses for you.”

“That so?” I slanted my mouth over hers, extending the kiss while she rubbed against me, getting that panel of fabric between her legs nice and wet.

Not good enough.

“We did this once,” I said against her lips between kisses. “I fucked you against a mirror.”

“Yeah, try earlier today, Romeo.”

“As if I forgot.” I yanked her off the table and turned her around, gripping her throat as I pushed her right up to the mirror. Her forehead touched it as I spoke near her ear. “This we haven’t done yet.”

I didn’t waste time. I unzipped my pants and released my cock, then pushed aside that impossibly tiny bit of material between her legs. Scarcely anything had hid her from the eyes of the men and women in the audience.

“You get off on that, don’t you?” I scraped my teeth over her earlobe. “Everyone watching you. Wanting you. As I do. I could kill them all for even seeing this much of you.” My hand came down on her ass and she jerked, her hips rolling. Her ass lifting for more. I gave her what her body asked for, spanking her that much harder while she gasped and processed, her suddenly dark, churning blue eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

“I watched you.” I shoved two fingers in her and her back arched. “I was there, watching you sing for them. Your beauty blinded me. Every song you sang, I was thinking of doing this to you.”

Before she could speak, I was on my knees, peeling her open for my mouth. I wasn’t tender. My lips and tongue and teeth lashed at her, demanding as much as she had to offer. Her grip grew white-knuckled on the edges of the table and her thighs shook, but I didn’t stop. Didn’t slow down until she let out a cry and soaked my lips and chin.

Then I rose and palmed my cock, shifting so she could see me stroke myself in the mirror. “For you,” I gritted out. “Always for you. No other woman exists for me. Understand me, duchess? This is yours. I’m fucking yours.”

Her spine bowed when I thrust into her, seating myself deep in one slow slide. Her eyes met mine in the mirror and I gripped a handful of her hair, dragging her back so that her breasts were a full breath from spilling free and her throat was exposed to me. Rocking into her, I switched my grip from her hair to her neck, absorbing her moan as my fingers tightened as if she’d fed it directly into my mouth. I jerked her back against me and fucked into her again and again, rocking the table against the wall with every stroke.

My hand held her still and the wild flutter of her pulse under my fingers and around my cock told me she was there with me, every step.