“Hmm.” He lowered his mouth to mine. I was tempted to bite him, but he’d stopped demanding answers. The kiss wasn’t gentle. That Nash was back in his box. It was deep and consuming. Distracting.
It was exactly what I needed. And then my stomach growled.
He straightened, that eyebrow winging up again. “Hungry, I take it?”
I shrugged. “I can’t really remember when I ate.”
“All right. Find some shoes for those dainty feet.”
I glanced down at my ruby-colored toenails. Not many people called my big feet dainty. Being closer to six-feet tall didn’t make anything on me truly delicate. “Where are we going at nearly four in the morning?”
“This is New York, babe. There’s always someplace open.” He tweaked my nipple through my sweater before turning around to head back to the bathroom.
Who was this playful guy?
I tugged on a pair of socks and my sturdy Hunter boots to combat the perpetual wet fall nights in New York. Then I went into the bathroom to find Nash tucking in his dark gray thermal shirt.
Too bad. I was hoping for a little more skin action.
I picked up my hairdryer, bent, and flipped my hair forward to do a quick dry.
“Duchess, I haven’t been inside you in weeks. You keep angling that ass at me and we’re never getting out of here.”
I smiled up at him but didn’t say anything, just kept fluffing my crazy curls so I wouldn’t be going outside with wet hair.
He crossed his arms and watched me. He really didn’t have a good sense of that whole personal space thing. I tried to ignore the intimacy, choosing to keep going with my usual quick-hit beauty regimen.
I flipped my hair back and quickly wound it into a loose braid over my shoulder. I dabbed on some moisturizer and lip gloss then turned to him. “Ready.”
His eyebrows shot up. “Is that the only warpaint you’re putting on?”
“You wouldn’t be saying I need any, would you?”
“No.” He stepped closer to me, sliding his arm around my waist. He smelled of me, which didn’t quite match his dark and brooding nature.
“You can go, you know. I have…something in my freezer.” Who knew what it would be? I hadn’t been truly home in months. However, my housekeeper usually kept me set up with some easy to make food.
“So touchy.”
I laid my hand on his chest. “It’s been a day.”
He touched his forehead to mine. “I know. I lost about five years with your friend’s phone call. Especially since it should have been you informing me, not some stranger.”
“Really?” Honestly, I wouldn’t have thought she would call him. She didn’t even really like Nash. “How did she get your number?”
“That I don’t know. She’s a little scary.”
“That’s not the point, duchess. It should have been you.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t seem to care prior to a little backstage drama.”
“Drama? Is that what we’re calling it?”