“I’m sure it was. I’ll contact the officer. There’s probably not much they can do since there wasn’t an overt crime. Defacing a poster definitely won’t get him or her arrested.”

“I figured as much.”

“But this means Donovan will probably want to add a security detail to the tour.”

I sighed. “I’m aware.”

“I know you don’t want it, Lindsey. I understand it, but we have the resources. You’re a major act for Ripper Records, and beyond that, you’re part of the original circle of artists who made Ripper Records what it is now. You’re more than just a number.”

I closed my eyes against the quick rush of tears. “I appreciate that.”

“Handily, you have a couple nights off, correct?”


“Good. It will give me some time to get things sorted. We’ll have a phone meeting with Darcy to get some new security in place.”

“Please don’t make it a huge deal. I may have overreacted—”

“You didn’t.” Lila’s voice was like iron. “You’re being smart. It’s not just you to worry about, but Warning Sign and a full crew of people. And if it turns out to be nothing, then all we’ve wasted was a little time.”

“And I hate it.”

“Brooklyn Dawn is a million-dollar commodity, Lindsey. Regardless of your personal feelings on using security beyond the ones provided at the venue, it’s time to think about an actual staff.”

“You’re right.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I know you have your own bodyguard. Do you think he can handle this for tonight?”

I winced. George was not going to be happy at all. “Yes.”

“What’s your plan for your days off? I know some of your band likes to travel.”

“Most everyone left to explore DC and Virginia.”

“For now, that’s a good thing. We’ll have a band meeting when everyone meets for the…Richmond show, correct?”

“Yes, Richmond is next.”

“Good. And you?”

I hesitated. I hadn’t made plans, but there was definitely a part of me that had been intending to head to New York. Was it wrong to just want to go home? Maybe I needed my own space for a couple days.

“I was heading to New York actually. It’s a short flight.”

“Donovan’s actually in the New York office this week. Perhaps you can have a face to face with him if time permits.”

“Tell him to call me.”

“Perfect. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thanks, Lila.”

“Of course.” And then she was gone.

I met with Darcy and the officer one more time. By the time everything was said and done, it was well past midnight. I agreed to come back a couple hours early from New York for a band meeting, which meant I’d have to spend tomorrow trying to wrangle everyone via text or phone calls. I was not looking forward to it.

George was waiting for me by the car when I finally exited the venue with Officer Jakoby. Once he was sure I was handed off to my bodyguard, he finally left me alone.