Page 6 of Slippery When Wet

“Exactly. I’m so over him and any other emotionally bankrupt asshole. I’m sick of the games, and all of their fickle ways. Girl, I’m so done with stroking a man’s super-sized ego. I’m done with ’em.” I don’t realize how that sounds until it’s fallen out of my mouth. As if I’m done with the male species forever, and ever, Amen. “Anyway, that’s the past. I’m eight months free of that mess. And I have no intentions of going back to it. Right now I’m happily single and doing me.”

Karalyn smiles. “Girl, good for you.” She reaches over and swipes a strand of hair out of my face, her fingertips lightly brushing against my forehead. “He didn’t deserve a woman like you, anyway. You’re a beautiful woman who deserves so much better, Ava. You deserve to be with someone who’s going to appreciate you, love, and cherish you.” A surging heat sweeps through me as she says this. I shift in my seat, attempting to ignore it.

Conya Doss has been playing in the background. And when her track “Don’t Change” pours out into the room, Karalyn and I quietly slip into our own mental zones, sipping our drinks and bobbing our heads to the beat, getting lost in our thoughts.

• • •

It’s 3 A.M., when I finally slide between the sheets of the queen-size bed in Karalyn’s guestroom. My head spinning from the liquor, I close my eyes and squeeze my thighs together as I run a hand over my hardened nipples. I let out a low moan as I pinch them.

What is going on with me? Why exactly am I here again?

My fingers slip down between my thighs, imagining Karalyn’s hands touching me, teasing me, seducing me.

I don’t fall asleep until almost five in the morning.


The next evening, Karalyn and I are sitting in the living room. We’ve spent most of the day lounging around her cabin, talking, drinking bottles of wine, and listening to music. And I am surprised at how comfortable I am around her.

Rahsaan Patterson’s “Feels Good” is playing. The fireplace is lit. The mood is…intimate. And I should be concerned. But I am not. Still, I am taken by surprise when Karalyn reaches over and grabs a stuffed shrimp from off the platter set in front of us on the coffee table and holds it, perched between her index finger and thumb, to my lips. “Open your mouth. Eat it.” Her words come out hot and thick like molasses. I clamp shut the sweet stickiness that has already started to seep between my legs. I shift in my seat.

She sees my expression and laughs. “It’s only shrimp I am trying to feed you.” Her eyes gleam. “Or would you prefer I feed you something else?”

I blink, lifting my hand to take the shrimp from her.

She shakes her head, pulling her hand back. “No. Use your mouth.”

I am both turned on and taken aback by her dominance. My pussy clenches as she presses it to my lips, coaxing me. Karalyn feeds me the shrimp. I close my eyes and take it in one voluptuous bite.

“It’s good, isn’t it?”

I refuse to meet her eyes as I chew.

I can’t believe I’m sitting here doing this.

I reach for my glass and take a sip. “Yes.” Without thought, I lick my lips. “It’s delicious.”

“Like you, I’m sure. So when’s the last time you had your pussy ate?”

I almost choke on my drink. “Ohmygod, I can’t believe you asked me that.”

She shrugs. “Well, tell me. How long has it been?”

Too long!

I let out a nervous chuckle, wondering why I’m not more uncomfortable with this. Wondering why it doesn’t matter that I am sitting here with another very attractive woman who’s clearly flirting with me.

I put my glass to my lips, then toss back my drink. “It’s been months.”

She eyes me. And for a split second, I think I see amusement flutter in her eyes as she licks her lips. But I can’t be for certain. Shit. After the last four drinks I’ve had, I can’t be sure about much of anything that’s going on right now, especially about why I’m feeling so…horny. “Can I ask you a question?”

I nod. “Sure.”

“You ever been with another woman?”

No, but I’ve fantasized about it. Of course I don’t share this tidbit.

“Have I ever been with a woman, how? Sexually?”