Page 50 of Slippery When Wet

I gasp. “Girl, no. I told you that in confidence. How could you?”

“Now don’t go getting your panties all twisted in a knot. I never mentioned your name. They don’t know anything about you. I simply told them that I had a friend who wanted to be gang-banged. And they all seemed quite intrigued and turned on by the whole possibility. And they were wondering…” She pauses, leaving me hanging on the edge.

“They were wondering what?”

“Oh never mind. I don’t even know why I called you with this.”

“Ohmygod, Tamara. If you don’t stop tormenting me I swear I’m gonna claw out your eyes the next time I see you.”

“Oh, alright, party pooper. Geesh. They were wondering if you were interested in living out this fantasy.”

My heart leaps in my chest. “And what did you tell them?”

“I told them exactly what you told me. Now the question is, were you serious? Is this something you really want to experience? Because if so it’ll go down this Saturday.”

I almost choke on my tongue. “This Saturday, like in two days away?”

“Yes. This Saturday.”

“Ohmygod. I-I…don’t believe this. This sounds all too good to be true.”

“Well, believe it, boo. And it will be good. S

o are you in or not?”

I pull in a deep breath, trying to calm the pounding in my chest, and my pussy. If what she’s telling me is true, I am in for one hell of an experience. She tells me she has secured a secret location far out in the woods of nowhere. That she’s rallied up a number of women who are ready to fuck me into a daze. The way she says it, it sounds deliciously dirty and dangerously sexy.

To be fucked, anonymously!

I press my damp thighs together, then cross my legs to pinch back the budding throb in my clit. “If I agree to this, it will be kept in the strictest of confidence?” I trusted Tamara, but I’m not so sure about these so-called colleagues of hers.

“Of course. These are all professional, highly educated women who simply enjoy living on the edge and pushing the sexual envelope—so to speak, in secret of course. So discretion is assured as well as required.”

“And they’re all lesbians?” I ask, practically whispering into the phone.

“Yes, every last one of them. And beautiful I might add.”

“And feminine I hope.”

“Trust me. They are everything you could ever imagine.”

“Mmmm. And why are they willing to go along with this?”

She sighs. “Because they are women who enjoy helping other women enhance their sexualities. It’s a sisterhood of sorts. Now enough of all these endless questions, are you in or out?” I can hear her tapping something, impatiently. “Look, I have to get ready to go into a meeting so speak now or forever hold your piece.”

“Well, geesh. Can I at least have a few hours to think on it? I mean, you’ve kind of caught me off-guard with this.”

“Sweetie, from what you’ve told me about this fantasy of yours, you’ve spent more than enough time thinking about it. Now it’s time to let that little freak flag of yours fly and just do it. The time clock’s ticking: five, four, three…”

A wave of intense heat rolls over me. A ton of questions race through my head. How does she know these women? Where are they from? What do they look like? Where will she be taking me? Will she be one of the women fucking me?

I stand. The seat of my chair soaked in cunt juice.


“I’m in.”

“Good. I’ll let the others know. I’ll pick you up Saturday at eight-thirty. Be ready. I’ll fill you in with more of the details when I have them.”