Page 48 of Slippery When Wet

I groan, arching into the pleasure and pressure that shoots through me, flooding my beautiful pussy with liquid heat, pumping hard and fast.

I blink my eyes open, steadying my breathing. My face and body feels flush from the fire still burning inside my pussy. I shut my eyes, lean my head back, and finish riding out the flames.

• • •

“Miss Rice, there’s a Miss Swan on line one

for you,” my assistant announces over the intercom, startling me. I quickly compose myself, reluctantly pulling my fingers out of my warm wetness.

A smile eases over my wet lips.

Tamara Swan, with her tall, voluptuous body and large breasts, is my fantasy fuck. Even though we flirt unabashedly with one another, we’ve not once slept together, yet, in the two years that I’ve known her. But there have been plenty of nights where I’ve fucked myself to sleep imagining her thick body pressed against mine and my legs wrapped around her waist as she fucks—what I imagine to be—her large cock, into me.

I take a calming breath. “Thanks, Kristina,” I say, clicking over. “This is Ebony Rice speaking.” I slide my fingers into my mouth, licking them clean, then reach into my bottom drawer for my box of Wet Ones, tear open two packets, then wipe my hands.

“My, my, aren’t we the formal one today.” The minute I hear her rich, sultry voice on the other of the line, my pulse quickens. And I feel myself on the edge of another climax. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

Oh sure. I’m sitting here with a wet pussy and sticky fingers.

I lick my lips. “No, not at all. I was just finishing up lunch.”

“Mmmm, yum. What did you have?”


“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I tease, shifting the phone to my other ear. She lets out a soft chuckle, then tells me she tried reaching me on my cell before calling the office. I reach for my iPhone and see that I have four missed calls, and six text messages. “Well, I’m glad you called. I’m wet with desire hearing your voice.”

“Such the flirt.”

“I’m serious, Tamara. As much as I enjoy our cat-and-mouse play, why don’t we stop toying with one another and go right for the kill. I wish you’d just take me and have your way with me already.”

She laughs. “Some things are best left untouched. For now, anyway.”

I grin. “So there’s still hope.”


“Ugh, you’re such the dream-killer.”

She chuckles. “Umm. Sweetie, I make dreams come true. So I would wait to hear my reason for calling you before you go labeling me.”

“Oooh, do tell, my love.” I swivel around in my seat. “You have me tingling with anticipation.” I glance out the forty-first floor window of my office, taking in the skyline.

“Oh, my darling Ebony. That’s not the only thing that’ll be tingling when I finish sharing what I have planned for you. Do you remember the night you shared your fantasy with me?”

My cheeks flush. How could I forget?

I replay the conversation in my head. It was several months ago after a night of drinking Apple Martinis when I blurted it out to her. We’d been out having drinks, sitting at the bar talking about sex and sexuality and the power of fantasies when I admitted to her about my own fantasy.

At first she looked at me like I was half-crazy. “Girl, are you fucking serious?” she had asked, sitting her glass down on the bar. “How could anyone in their right mind fantasize about being gang-raped?”

It was clear then that she had misunderstood me.

“Gang-raped? Girl, no. You got it confused. I said”—I glanced around the bar, making sure no would overhear me, then lowered my voice—“I want to be gang-banged. Big difference.”

I explained the differences to her. That the act of wanting to be fucked, consensually, by multiple women is nothing like being forced into having sex, like in a rape-type scenario. I told her how I would never subject myself to something like that.

“But, I definitely would like to experience the act of being degraded. I want to be called whores and sluts and a bunch of bitches. Be told to suck dicks, and to bend over and take it in the ass.”