And she hated her for it.
Unlike the grief she’d suffered at the loss of her father, Heaven had felt nothing but relief when her mother had passed. Seeing her mother in her casket, her skin all weathered-looking and her face sunken in, she felt calmer than she’d ever been. The years of being neglected by her were finally over. And Heaven was glad.
While her father and brothers cried their eyes out, Heaven remained dry-eyed. She hadn’t felt the loss or the pain everyone else felt. If anything, she felt a sudden sense of calm and relief.
As far as she was concerned, her years of suffering through her mother’s silent drinking were finally over. And, long after her mother’s departing, she rarely talked about her, or reminisced because what she remembered of her mother weren’t good memories. So she avoided ever talking about Vivian Lewis.
And, now, here she was, linking the warden to her own mother.
She shuddered, then after several more seconds, she finally swung her legs over the side of the metal bunk and sat there. She glanced around her bare cell. This is some fucking bullshit, she thought as she stood buck-ass naked, and stretched. Just then she heard keys.
“Lewis,” the CO called out. “Do you want to come out for your hour now, or wait until second shift?”
It was Officer Ferguson. She was a beautiful forty-two-year-old, olive-skinned woman with the prettiest doe-shaped brown eyes Heaven had ever seen. She was a very shapely woman with a big ass (rumor had it her ass was fake), which she always kept stuffed in extra-tight uniform pants. But she was one of the few female COs she liked. She was fair, and she didn’t believe in doing inmates dirty. However, she didn’t take any shit, either.
Out of respect for her, Heaven reached for her sheet and covered herself, then walked over to her cell door. “No. I’ll take it now. I really need to shower.”
“Okay. Let me finish my rounds, then I’ll come back for you.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” she said lightly.
Heaven quickly slipped into her jumper, then stood by her door and waited. Ten minutes later, the CO returned and opened her door.
“Lewis, don’t let these bitches in here get you caught up in any more of their shit,” the CO warned as she walked her toward the showers. “They don’t care if you don’t ever get out, because a lot of these females are going to end up right back here the moment they get released.”
Heaven nodded knowingly. “Trust me. I’m not thinking about any of these crazy broads. I’m trying to get home; that’s it.”
The CO gave her a side-eye glance. “Then you need to get focused.”
“I plan—”
“Yeah, bitch. I see you!” the inmate Goldie Malone yelled from behind her door the minute she saw Heaven walk past her cell. She began banging on the thick glass window. “This shit ain’t over, boo-boo. Trust.”
Another one of Goldie’s cronies began banging on her door too. “Hahahahaha! There go that uppity bitch. Yeah, we see you, ho. You dog food, boo! I put that on everything, TRICK!”
“Ohmygod!” someone else yelled out. “Why that bitch look like she trying out for The Bachelorette?”
“I bet that bitch suck a mean dick,” Goldie yelled out.
Everyone on the unit laughed, except Heaven and Officer Ferguson.
“Ignore them, Lewis.”
Heaven undid her ponytail, then shook her hair, letting it tumble down past her shoulders. “I’m not thinking about them,” she assured the CO.
“Fuck that stuck-up bitch,” another female stated. “But I’d smear this good-good all up over her face. Use her mouth as a tampon.
Lots of laughter.
Heaven frowned.
“All right, ladies. Enough,” the CO warned.
“Hey, Goldie, y’all shoulda shanked that bitch,” someone shouted out, disregarding the CO’s warning.
“Don’t worry. We got something for that ass,” Goldie admitted.