Page 21 of Prison Snatch

Oh, great. Now she’d have to rush to do something with her hair, and figure out what to wear. Damn him. Why hadn’t he reminded her last night when he’d come home from God knows where?

She looked at the flask on her desk. Then rolled her eyes.

“I’ll be home by four.”

“Do you at least know what you’ll be wearing? I don’t want you taking all night to get ready.”

Her nose flared. “Then how about I meet you there, Othello. This way you won’t have to worry about having me on some damn time clock. God forbid I make you late for the party, Mister Always First To Show Up For Every Damn Thing.”

He hung up on her.


She snatched her flask from the desk.

“Vodka, right?”

She quickly tightened the cap and tossed it back in her desk drawer. But then she retrieved the flask again, unscrewing the cap and taking two more quick sips.

She wasn’t a damn—

The knock on her door forced her to quickly screw the silver cap back on her flask, and tuck it back in her drawer. She slid the drawer shut, then reached for two mints, popping them in her mouth.

The person on the other side of the door waited several seconds, then knocked again, louder this time. “Warden?”

“Yes? Come in,” she said, smoothing a hand over her arm as the sweet mints dissolved in her mouth.

The door handle jiggled.

Damn it.

She blew out her breath and stood, walking from around her desk toward the door. She opened it, and there stood—taking up the entire doorway—Captain Caldolini.

Where the hell was Susan?

He smiled, and his gray eyes twinkled at her. “Am I interrupting anything? Susan wasn’t at her desk, so I took a chance to see if you were in.”

The warden smoothed a hand along the side of her slicked back hair that she’d worn pulled back into an elegant bun. Oh how matronly she now felt standing here under his gaze.

She took a step back. “No, no. You’re not interrupting anything, Captain. I was just going through some files.” Her tongue clung to the remnants of her mints as the lie rolled from her lips. “Please. Come in.”

He shut the door behind them, then followed behind her, his eyes on the sway of her hips.

She waited for him to have a seat, then asked, “So to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Captain?” She glanced at her desk calendar. “Did we have a meeting scheduled for this afternoon?”

He shifted in his chair as he chased images of her body from his mind. He was tired of wondering, imagining. He wanted, needed to know for himself how soft and feminine she was beneath those damn clothes.

A warm feeling skittered over her skin as she took a seat behind her desk. She knew he’d been eyeballing her ass, and she felt a fresh coat of desire slide over her cunt. It felt good, damn good, to be noticed, perhaps even desired by someone.

The corners of his mouth quirked up in a sly smile. “No, ma’am. No meeting.”

Her sumptuously painted lips rounded into an “O.” She crossed her legs under her desk. “Well, if there isn’t a meeting, is there something you wish to speak to me about?”

He leaned forward in his seat. “Actually, Warden.” He cleared his throat. “There is.” He thrust a large hand into his hair, and she found herself grinning at the disheveled image. He was so rough, so rugged, so damn masculine and sexy.

She cursed the flood of heat sweeping through her body. God help her. She’d fuck him right here. No questions asked.

She eyed him curiously. “Well, Captain. What is it?”