Page 66 of Big Booty

“Mmmph. Well, she shoulda never put her hands on you. Anyway, Darius wants to speak to you.”

“Aiight, cool.”

I hand Darius the phone, then go check on Isaiah. He’s dressed and stretched out across his bed watchin’ TV. I tell him to come eat. He shuts off his TV and follows behind me. “Did you put deodorant on?”


“And you washed them balls like I told you?”

He laughs. “Yes.”

“Niggah, I ain’t laughin’. C’mere.” I grab him by his arm and sniff him. “Now, that’s how my baby’s supposed to smell. Fresh ’n clean with ya fine self.” I fuss in his hair. He has a mini ’fro. “You need a haircut.” He starts talkin’ shit about wantin’ to let his hair grow ’cause he wants braids. I ignore his ass. Darius hands me back the phone while Isaiah eats his waffles and Darius gobbles up the eggs.

I walk back out into the livin’ room so Darius ain’t all up in my convo. “Jah, do you know some niggah named AJ?”

“Where he from?” I tell him Irvington. “Nah, I don’t know. What he look like?” Sneaky. I give him his description. “Oh, hold up. I know who you talkin’ about, now. Yeah, I know that cat. Why? That niggah ain’t stepped to you, has he?”

I suck my teeth, rollin’ my eyes. “See. Here you go tryna act like you my man.”

“Nah, yo. You know I don’t be diggin’ that, Ma. It’s bad enough you got my boys always tryna sniff up around you. Let me find out that niggah tryna get at you.”

I laugh. Jah done fought more niggahs for tryna get up in these drawers than I can keep count. His ass gets crazy and overprotective when it comes to me. “Boy, stop. Them lil’ fresh-ass niggahs only lookin’. Besides they ain’t ready to handle real pussy work.” Buddha’s long dick flashes in my head. I press my thighs together.

He sucks his teeth. “Yo, Ma, you shot out; for real. You stay on that . . . ”

“Aiight, Ma,” Darius says, walkin’ outta the kitchen. Isaiah is followin’ behind him. “We out. I’ll bring this knucklehead home around six.”

“You a Butthead,” Isaiah says back to him.

Darius grabs him into a headlock and they wrestle. “Yeah, aiight. I’ma kick ya butt if you get in any more trouble at school.”

I tell Isaiah to come give me a hug, then kiss him on his cheek. “I love you, boo.”

“I love you, too. Bye.” Darius gives me a hug and a kiss, then walks out. I step to the window and watch as they get in the car.

“So why you ask me ’bout that cat, AJ?”

I plop down on the sofa, then kick my barefeet up on the leather ottoman table. “ ’Cause I wanna know what he’s into.”

“He ain’t ’bout shit. Some low-level cat; flunky type niggah, lookin’ for a come-up. Word is he pushin’ some light shit, but nuthin’ major. But you still ain’t tell me why you wanna know all this? Is you diggin’ cat or sumthin’?”

“No, I ain’t diggin’ him. But if I was, so the hell what. I’ma grown ass woman. And I don’t answer to ya ass. So if I wanted to give the niggah some airplay, I would. But he ain’t my type, so slow ya roll.”

He chuckles. “Yo, I ain’t tryna hear all that, Ma. I know you grown. That still don’t mean I won’t rock that niggah’s top when I get out if I hear he’s tryna get at you. And even if he ain’t tryna get at you and you pushin’ up on him, I’ma still bring it to his neck.”

I shake my head. “Jah, you need to stop actin’ like you own me.”

“Yo, go ’head wit’ that, Ma. I ain’t tryna own you. I’m lookin’ out for you. And I don’t want none of them grimy-ass niggahs tryna get at you; that’s all. So yeah. You my moms and you gonna do what you do. But at da end of da day I’m da one who’s gonna always have ya back.”

I grin. “See, niggah. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. That’s why I love ya black ass like no other. You need to hurry up and get ya ass home.”

“Word up. You already know. Yo, what’s good wit’ Day’Asia? I heard she out there on some real foul shit.”

“What kinda foul shit you heard?”

“That her and Candy supposedly out there trickin’ wit’ some niggahs from Elizabeth? All up in motel rooms ’n shit, drinkin’ ’n smokin’. Real shit, Ma. Tell Asia I’ma bust her ass when I get home.”

“Well, I don’t know when she got time to be over in Elizabeth. But I don’t put shit past Day’Asia. She probably doin’ the shit durin’ the day or right after school. I know her fast-ass likes to suck down on a dick, and she always wanna be all up under that retarded-ass, stink-bitch, Candy. So ain’t no tellin’ what them two doin’ when she’s not home.”