Page 57 of Big Booty

“Yo, Ma,” Darius says, walkin’ into the livin’ room. He comes over and gives me a hug and a kiss. “You aiight?”

I eye him. “Yeah, I’m alright. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I’m sayin’, Ma. After what popped off down at da school and whatnot, I figured you might wanna lil’ sumthin’-sumthin’ to calm ya mind.” He pulls out a bag of weed and hands it to me, grinning.

“Oh, I’m calm,” I say, stuffin’ it in my bra while headin’ toward the stairs. But I’ma be even calmer once I smoke this real quick. “Where’s Isaiah? He has an ass whoopin’ on reserve.”

Darius comes up on me and drapes his arm over my shoulder. “Yo, Ma. Let me holla at you, for real. Relax, aiight. I know you real aggie and all. But before you start spazzin’ out on Isaiah, I handled his lil’ ass for you. I promise you, he won’t do nuthin’ stupid like that again. I yoked him up real quick. So, let it ride, aiight? Can you do that for me? He knows his lil’ ass is gonna be on punishment. So you ain’t gotta go stompin’ him out, feel me?”

I put a hand up on my hip. Tilt my head, then take a deep breath. “Niggah, I spent almost two goddamn hours down at the police station in handcuffs for goin’ upside that bitch’s head all behind his black ass. And you think I’m supposed to let that slide? No, I’ma fuck him up ’cause he shoulda kept his motherfuckin’ dick in his pants.”

“Yo, c’mon, Ma.”

“C’mon, hell.” I look up and see Isaiah standin’ at the top of the stairs, lookin’ all scared and shit. “Get yo’ ass down here, and come get this ass whoopin’. Because if I have to come up those stairs to give it to you, it’s gonna be worse. You had no goddamn business doing what you did.”

“I’m sorry, Ma. I promise I won’t do it again,” he says, wringing his hands as his leg shakes. “Darius already beat me for it.”

“Well good. ’Cause now I’ma beat yo’ ass for gettin’ suspended and for having me break two goddamn fingernails banging that bitch in her head. And now I gotta sit home with ya black ass. So get down here.”

Joshua and Elijah come runnin’ upstairs from the basement, swingin’ open the door with Fuquan and Tyquan behind them. “Hey, Ma,” Joshua and Elijah say, goin’ up the other flight of stairs.

“Hey,” I say back.

Tyquan runs over and wraps his arms around my waist. “Mommmmmmmmy, you hom

e! I thought you was in jail.”

I hug him. “I was. How’s Mommy’s lil’ handsome man doing?”

“I’m fine. Why you get locked up?”

“Because your brother, Isaiah, pulled his goddamn dick out in school and I had to beat up his fahver’s bald-headed wife.”

“Ewww, that’s nasty; why he do that?”

“ ’Cause he wants me to fuck him up.”

“Oh, maaaaaaan,” Fuquan says, foldin’ his arms across his chest. “I thought they were gonna keep you locked up.”

I stare at him, not sure if I should laugh or be insulted. I shake my head. “Boy, shut ya fresh mouth up, and get over here and give me a damn hug before I swing you into that goddamn wall.” He shuffles over to me and gives me a half-ass hug. “Why you so evil, boy?”

“You evil,” he says, shrugging away from me.

Outta all my kids, I already know Fuquan’s gonna be the one who tries to bring it to me. And I’ma have to bury his ass when he does.

Darius plucks him upside the head. “What I tell you ’bout ya mouth, boy?”

“Owww!” he yells. “Why you hit me, Fucker!” Darius laughs and that only pisses him off more. He balls his fist and starts punchin’ him. “I’ma fight yo’ ass.”

“Darius, why you gotta get his ass cranked up. You know he’s half crazy. Isaiah, get yo’ ass down these stairs, boy. I ain’t forget ’bout fuckin’ you up. I’m gonna change my clothes and when I come back out you better have ya black ass down here ready for ya ass whoopin’.”

Darius stops wrestlin’ around with Fuquan’s bad-ass and stares at me. “Yo, Ma. I told you I handled it. Chill.” He lets Fuquan go and stands up.

I place a hand up on my hip. “Okay, Mister I Handled It, did you handle what the hell I’ma do with him durin’ the day, too? ’Cause I’m not about to be stuck sittin’ up in this house babysittin’ his nasty ass, and he’s definitely not ridin’ no-goddamn where with me.”

“He can come down to the shop with me during the day,” he says. “I’ll put him to work. Yo, Isaiah, get down here. I’ll keep him busy. He can sweep up the hair.”

“Boy, you hear me callin’ you,” Darius says, snappin’ me outta my thoughts. “Get ya butt down here.”