Page 52 of Big Booty

I sneer at her frog-eyed self. “No, the bitch ain’t expectin’ me. She’s hidin’ from me, I’m sure. Call her and let her know I’m here to see her and I’m not leavin’ until I do.”

She buzzes her office. “Hi. Miss Simms is requesting to speak with you. . . . No, you have a two and a three o’clock . . . no, she said she wants to see you now . . . okay . . . ”

She hangs up. “Principal Lewis said she’ll be out in a minute.”

I roll my eyes.

It takes the bitch almost seven minutes to come out of her office, wearin’ a beige pencil skirt with a matchin’ blazer over a pale pink V-neck blouse. I eye her shoes. Four-inch leather Gucci pumps. She parts her dick-suckin’ lips into a wide, phony smile.

“Hello, Miss Simms. It’s always a pleasure.”

“Girl, stop with the lies.”

She blinks. “Okay, then how can I help you?”

“Ummm, Principal Lewis,” Cock Bobber says, cuttin’ her eyes at me. “Should I have Mister Wiggins paged?”

She looks from me to Cock Bobber. “No. I’m sure this won’t take long. What can I do for you, Miss Simms?”

I plop my handbag up on the counter. “What is this shit about you wantin’ to expel my son from school? You must really wanna see me set it off up in here, don’t you?”

“Miss Simms, that won’t be necessary. What Isaiah did this morning was unacceptable and simply can’t be tolerated here.”

“LaQuandra,” I snap, rollin’ my eyes. “Cut the formalities with your phony ass.”

She looks over my shoulder, then cuts her eye over at Becky the Cock Bobber. “Miss Simms, I won’t tolerate profanity from you. If you wish to speak to me about your son’s behaviors, then fine. But I will not allow you to be verbally assaultive to me.”

I huff. “Ho, when I assault you, you’ll know.”

She sighs, shakin’ her head. “Okay, that’s it. I see some things never change. You’re still making threats and always looking for a fight. Well, save it. I’m not moved by your hood tactics. Isaiah is being suspended, following a review hearing.”

I give her an incredulous look. “A review hearin’ for what?”

She tilts her head. “To determine if he’s appropriate to return to this school or if he’s in need of somethin’ a bit more structured, and self-contained.”

Oh, this bitch is goin’ too far now! “Self-contained? Uh, Boo-Boo, what exactly are you tryna say?”

“I’ve already said it.”

I pull in my bottom lip, tryna keep from takin’ it to her damn face. “Well, say it again ’cause I’m not understandin’ what the fuck you’re tryna say.”

“Bottom line, Cassandra. I will not allow any form of gross conduct, be it sexual or otherwise, here at Eastside Charter.”

“Bitch, puhleeze. Gross conduct, my ass. You might have gone out and got you a few college degrees. And, yeah, you got ya’self some fancy clothes with a new nose job and ya ass and titties lifted, but you still the same old hoodrat bitch from the projects, LaQuaaaaaandra. You’ve always hated me, bitch. And now you wanna take it out on my son.”

She laughs. “You’re more delusional than I thought, Cassandra. The fact remains, you’re an unfit mother. And Isaiah is being expelled. Whether you believe it or not, I’m concerned for his well-being. We all are. Fact of the matter is if he’s learning that sort of lewd behavior at home, then I can only imagine what else he’s being exposed to there. Face it, Cassandra, you’re a bad influence. I don’t know why DYFS hasn’t taken those kids from you by now. You really need to give custody to—”

Before she can finish her sentence I rear my hand back and whop her upside her head, then punch her in the face. I’ve had enough of all this talkin’ back and forth. A bitch’s ready to fight!

“Aaaah! No the fuck you didn’t put your motherfuckin’ hands on me, tramp-ass bitch!”

Becky screams for assistance through the intercom, but it’s an ass-whoopin’ too late. LaQuandra and I start scrappin’ like two crusty, crackhead hoes on the streets. She starts swingin’ her arms wildly.

“I’ma kill you!” she screams at the top of her lungs. The tension between me and this ho has always been thick ever since we were kids. But shit really turned ugly between us when her hubby—well, her boyfriend at the time—got me pregnant. Dumb bitch still married his ass.

“Bitch”—I punch her upside the head—“you’ve always hated the fact that I fucked Isaiah and gave him the son you couldn’t. You empty, rotten-pussy bitch!”

I swing her into the counter, then we start tearin’ the office up. “Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Principal Lewis! Miss Simms! Someone help! They’re fightin’ in here!”