Page 44 of Big Booty

“I don’t believe it,” she says, soundin’ hurt.

“Believe it, sugah-boo. That bitch can’t be trusted either. She done told me some other shit, too, about you.”

“Other shit like what?”

“See, now, Miss Pasha,” I say, ploppin’ down on my bed. I kick off my heels. “You tryna have me get messy. But you ain’t hear none of this shit from me ’cause, boo, if you wanna confront her about it and she steps to me, I’ma do her up real good.”

“Oh, no, girl. Trust me. I appreciate you telling me all this. I’ve been kind of feeling like things aren’t right between us, so whatever you tell me is going to stay strictly between us.”

“Mmmph. Well, Miss Pasha, girl. Your feelin’s are right. Miss FeFe has dragged you for filth, boo.” I tell her everything Miss FeFe done told me about her. From how she got her windows smashed out to the crazy phone calls; from that niggah walkin’ up in her salon tryna disrespect her to bein’ attacked out in her front yard and not wantin’ the police called. I let her know it all.

“That dirty bitch,” she hisses. “All this time I thought she had my back. But something in my gut kept telling me not to trust her ass.”

“Pasha, boo, the only thing Miss FeFe is tryna have is your man, trust me. And if she don’t want Jasper, you can trust and believe she damn sure wanna be up on his big-ass dingdong—oops, girl,” I quickly say. “I don’t know if Jasper has a big dingaling or not. I only know what the hoes out in the streets say.”

“It’s fine, really. I already know what they say out in the streets. And Jasper’s given out more of his share of dick so the rumors ain’t a lie.”

And you still married his no-good ass. Mmmph.

“I still can’t get believe Felecia has told you all those things. And stands here, smiling all up in my damn face.”

“Uh-huh, boo. That’s how them messy bitches do it. But you gotta keep this shit tucked on the low. Fish the bitch.”

“This shit has me sick to my damn stomach.”

“Oooh, poor thing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, boo. But you my damn girl, Miss Pasha, and it was time I told you what was what. I ain’t been tryna feature Miss FeFe every since she told me all this shit about you. That bitch really thinks you mighta been out there suckin’ all kinda dicks behind Jasper’s back. I’m tellin’ you, Miss Pasha, girl. That bitch is scandalous, boo. And I wouldn’t put it past her if she’s been fuckin’ Jasper, too.”

She gasps. “Oh God! I know Felecia likes to run her mouth, but I don’t think she’d stoop that low.”

“Well, believe it. That ho will drop down in the gutter for a ride on his dingaling. The bitch talked greasy about you and I heard the shit come outta her mouth with my own two ears. And ain’t shit wrong with my hearin’. So I know she’d snake her way into ya sheets too, boo.

“This shit is crazy. We’ve always been very close.”

“Uh-huh. And the bitch is jealous of you. Always has been. Even when we were in elementary school the bitch was hatin’ on you. But I always kept the shit to myself ’cause I ain’t wanna be wrapped up in nobody’s family drama, girl.”

“Oh, trust me. There’ll be no drama. Everything you’re telling me is confirmation of everything I already thought or felt. Booty, I mean Cass, you have no idea how much having this conversation means to me. It has definitely been an eye-opener.”

“Well, in case you still have some doubts. Keep ya eyes open wide and watch that bitch.”

“Oh, trust me. That’s exactly what I plan on doing.”

“Mmmph. And if you wanna set that bitch up, let me know. We can reel her in and do her ass up real dirty.”

“I will. Thanks again, girl. Look, I need to get off this phone. I hear Jasper coming in.”

“Go do you, boo. And Miss Pasha, boo?”


“I don’t know if you were suckin’ a string of dicks or not on Jasper’s cheatin’ ass. And I don’t care. But I think it’s time we shut these niggahs’ playhouses down. One by one, boo. Niggahs gotta be taught, boo.”

She lowers her voice. “Sadly, I think you might be right. We’ll talk soon.”

We disconnect. I get up and shut my bedroom door, then head to my bathroom to smoke me a blunt before these damn kids get home from school and I gotta deal with their mess.

I light the blunt, then take a long, deep pull on it, blowin’ a cloud of smoke into the air. I stand up and pull off my jeans, then step outta my lace panties. I unhook my bra and let my titties bounce free. I shimmy my shoulders and watch ’em sway. Mmmm, I want some dingaling. But of course callin’ a niggah to fuck me is outta the question since that’ll mean I’ll have to give the niggah a free round of pussy. Oh, no. Buddha’s ass was the last niggah who I’m givin’ some free pussy to. And I let that niggah fuck me real good in all three of my holes. Next round he pays for.

I take another pull on the blunt, holdin’ my head back and closin’ my eyes, replayin’ that night with Buddha in my head. Oooh, that big dick niggah did me right, goddammit!