Page 31 of Big Booty

“Leave meeeee alone! I’m not talkin’ to you. You hit my daddy!”

I frown. Take another deep breath because I feel myself about to go the hell off. I yank him up by his collar and start shakin’ him. “Boy, don’t play with me. I don’t give up fuck about you not talkin’ to me. Ya black-ass daddy ain’t shit. Now get your ass up before I fuck you up. And don’t give me any more of your goddamn back talk. Do you understand me?”

His bottom lip quivers.

“I said, do you understand?”

He stares me down.

I shake him again. “Do you want me to punch your motherfuckin’ eyeballs out?”


“Then get your ass up. And don’t let me have to come back in here.” I let him go, then walk down to Elijah and Isaiah’s room. I call their names. Tell them to get up. Elijah is the only one who does. Isaiah doesn’t stir. I stomp outta his room and into my bathroom.

“I’m sick of you motherfuckas in here doin’ whatever the fuck you want. When I say get up I mean get. The. Fuck. Up. Y’all wanna stay up all motherfuckin’ night, and think your asses don’t have to get up for school . . . ”

I fill a bucket with cold water, then go into the kitchen and dump four trays of ice cubes in, then march back into his bedroom. I yank the covers back and toss the whole bucket of water on him. “Get the fuck up!”

He jumps up, screamin’. “What the fuck?!”

“Don’t you ‘what the fuck’ me, boy.” I bang him upside his head with the bucket. “I said get your ass up. And I want all that water cleaned up, now!”

He sucks his teeth, mumblin’ shit under his breath. But he does what he’s told. Next stop is goin’ back to make sure Day’Asia’s up.

“Day’Asia!” I scream, swingin’ open her bedroom door, causin’ it to hit the back of the wall. “Get y

our black ass up! And why the fuck is this room so nasty? There’s no reason for you to be so goddamn triflin’.”

She jerks up in bed. “Alright, dang, Ma! I’m up!”

“Don’t ‘dang, Ma’ me. Get your lazy ass up and outta bed! And I want this room cleaned. And if I have to come back in here again, I’m gonna beat your ass sideways.” I walk out.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, Day’Asia, Joshua, Elijah, and Isaiah have already left for school. And the twins and I are on our way out the door. “Stop it!” Fuquan screams at the top of his lungs. “Mommy, will you tell Ty to stop it? He’s hittin’ me.”

“Ty, get your jacket on and let’s go. And keep ya goddamn hands off your brother.”

“Tattletale,” he says to Fuquan. I hear a smack, then yellin’.

Fuquan runs into the kitchen and grabs a knife out of the drawer. “I’ma fuck you up!” he yells, chasin’ his brother around the house. Tyquan runs out the door, laughin’.

I run out the door behind them, yellin’. “Fuquan! Fuquan! Get your ass back in this house with that motherfuckin’ knife!”

“No!” he screams, chasin’ his brother around the yard, wildly swingin’ the knife. “I’m gonna cut his black ass open!”

“Fuquan! It’s too early in the mornin’ for this shit! Get your ass over here and bring me that goddamn knife!” He ignores me. I kick off my heels and chase him down, snatchin’ him by the back of his hoodie. I dig my nails into his arm, clenchin’my teeth.

He is cryin’ and cursin’. I don’t know where the hell these bad-ass lil’ fuckers get their filthy mouths from but it’s outta control. “I told you to tell him to leave me the fuck alone!”

“Hahahahah, pussy,” Tyquan says.

“Fuck you, bitch!” Fuquan yells back. “See, you don’t ever say anything to that fucker!”

I smack him on his ass.

“What I tell you about your filthy-ass mouth? Don’t have me wash your goddamn mouth out with bleach. Now get your evil ass in the house and wash your damn face and put some lotion on it, then change that shirt.” Tyquan is still laughin’. “Tyquan, get your ass in the truck. I’m sick of this shit. Every goddamn mornin’ I gotta go through this bullshit with the both of you. Keep it up, and I’ma put both of your asses in a home.”

I go back inside and beat Fuquan’s ass for pullin’ a knife out on his brother and for having me chase him. “Now, I don’t want any more shit outta you for the rest of the day. Do you understand me?”