Page 125 of Big Booty

“Aiight, Cass. Keep it sexy, ma.”

“Huh-uh. I always do, boo.”

I wait for him to walk off, then bring it to this messy heifer. “Miss FeFee, don’t think I ain’t peep you rollin’ ya eyes up in ya head at me a few minutes ago. If you gotta problem, speak on it. But don’t do me, boo.”

She stares me down, placin’ a hand up on her hip. “Yeah, I gotta problem with you. Why the hell you go back and tell Paris that I was talking about her and her sisters to you? She called me up, going off.”

“Well, we were talkin’ about ’em. So ya point?”

“The point is, you didn’t have to tell her that.”

“Coon, boom! I ain’t no phony bitch, boo. I ran into the bitch at the mall and said that we—me and you, were talkin’ about her and her messy-ass sisters and how they turned Miss Pasha’s weddin’ out. Then I told the dumb bitch to watch her back and keep her messy-ass sister away from her man. If that bitch had a problem with what I said she shoulda said it to me.”

She sucks her teeth. “Whatever, Cass. Just know I ain’t ever sayin’ shit else around ya messy ass. You run your mouth too fuckin’ much for me.”

I slam my bag up on the counter. “Oh, really now. So you wanna do me, bitch? You wanna talk about runnin’ mouths? Then let’s talk about ’em, startin’ with yours, bitch. You stay runnin’ your dick lickers, boo. Drunk-ass bitch! And you know it. You done told me all Miss Pasha’s business and she’s supposed to be ya family. Bitch, the only messy bitch in the room is you.”

Miss FeFe’s eyes buck open as she glances around the salon to see if anyone is zoomin’ in on us. Luckily for her ass, there ain’t no one sittin’ in the waitin’ area. She knows she done cranked it up and classy is about to go out the window. And ghetto is ready to kick in the doors.

“Look, drop it,” she says, tryna sidestep me. “You said what you said. And let’s just leave it at that. I didn’t appreciate you doin’ that and that’s that.”

I laugh. “Miss FeFe, let me tell you this. You ain’t no real bitch, boo. ’Cause if you were you woulda told ya cousin yeah we talked about her ’cause at the end of the day what you did at Miss Pasha’s weddin’ was messy, period. And everybody was talkin’ about the shit. So don’t do me, boo. If you don’t want somethin’ repeated, then keep the shit to ya’self. So, bitch, boom! Stop runnin’ ya motherfuckin’ mouth about everybody else and worry about you and that lil’ dick niggah, Andre, you fuckin’.”

She blinks. “Oh, no you didn’t!”

I tilt my head. “Oh, yes I did. And whaaat, coon?”

“Bitch, get the fuck up outta this shop, now, before I—”

“Before you what, bitch? Get yo’ ass—”

“What in the hell is goin’ on up here,” Miss Pasha hisses. All eyes are on us. “Have the two of you lost your goddamn minds, carrying on like this up in here? This is my place of business. And the only bitch that should be bringin’ drama up in here is me. Now what the fuck is going on?”

Oooh, I knew Miss Pasha had fire in her, but I ain’t ever see her take it there. But I loooove it.

Miss Messy shifts her eyes and starts shufflin’ through the mail. I stare the bitch down, waitin’ to see what she gotta say. The bitch keeps it on mute.

Miss Pasha taps her heeled foot. “Well, someone tell me something ’cause I have customers in the back who can hear a whole lot of something going on between the two of you, and I don’t like it one damn bit. I’m sick of this shit. Cassandra, you’ve been one of my most loyal customers, and Felicia, I’ve trusted you like a sister. But both of you bitches keep a lotta shit stirred up. And I’m sick of it being up in my shop.”

“Now wait a minute, Miss Pasha, girl. I don’t do dra

ma, boo.”

“Well, maybe you don’t. But it sure as hell does you. And I’m tired of it comin’ up in here. I’ve been biting my tongue for too long now. So with that being said, I think it’s best if you don’t come back up in here. Your business is no longer needed or wanted here.”

I frown. “Bitch, boom! You ain’t said nothin’ but a word. I ain’t ever gotta come back up in this trap.”

“Good,” Miss Messy snaps. “Now get’ta steppin’. Before I have security toss you out.”

“Oh, no, honey boo. The only one ’bout to get tossed is you. I’ve been waitin’ to do you, any-goddamn-way. So how ’bout you be a real bitch and tell Pasha how you told me Jasper whoops her ass and she’s scared of him, huh, bitch? How ’bout you let her know how you done fucked him, too.” I look over at Miss Pasha. Her eyes widen in shock. “Sorry, boo. I ain’t mean to do you, but this bitch ain’t shit.” Miss Messy’s mouth drops, and her face cracks. “Yeah, bitch, boom! Cat’s out the bag now. What you gotta say on that? You wanna do me, then, boo, I’ma do you, too.”

“Pasha, girl, this bitch is crazy. I would never do you like that. And you know that. We’re family. You know I’m always—”

“Smiling up in my goddamn face; that’s what the fuck you’re always doing.” Jasper and Stax are walkin’ toward us. She turns her glare on Jasper. “Have you been fucking this bitch?”

He frowns, shootin’ a look over at Miss Messy, than over at me. “Yo, go ’head wit’ that dumb shit, Pash. Hell no, I ain’t fuckin’ her.”

“I swear to you, Pasha. You gotta believe me.”