She sucks her teeth. “No. I don’t think you’re stupid.”
“Oh yes, you do, lil’ girl. You ain’t goin’ to no goddamn mall in that getup. Ya ass wanna be out trickin’ for dick with that damn Clitina. Not today you won’t. Now go take that shit off and clean your goddamn nasty-ass room ’cause I know it’s filthy.”
“Ma, please. I already told them to come get me.”
“Well, that’s too damn bad.”
She stomps her feet. “Ma, please. I promise I’ll clean my room this weekend. And I’ll do Isaiah and Elijah’s chores for a week, too. I wanna go to the mall. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Day’Asia, I said no.”
“Ma, puhleeeeeze, can I go?”
I take a deep breath. “Asia, no.”
“One, because I said so; two, because you’re dressed like you tryna slut the night away; and, three, because you not ridin’ in no car with some girl named after a damn hotdog. Now get the fuck outta my goddamn room before you see ya self on the floor!”
She slams my door. “I’m fuckin’ sick of this shit! All I ask for is a goddamn few dollars so I can hang with my girls and she wanna give me shit . . . ”
I scream at the door. “Bitch, who is you cursin’ at, huh, ho?! Miss Pasha, girl, let me call you back. I need to whip some ass up in here.”
“Okay, girl. Go handle your situation. Call me when you can.” I tell her to give me twenty minutes and I’ll call her back, then end the call, stormin’ outta my room.
“Day’Asia! Day’Asia!” I scream, stompin’ through the house.
“She left,” Elijah yells out from the livin’ room.
“Oh no the fuck she didn’t.” I run to the front door and swing it open just as she’s gettin’ ready to climb in the backseat of some car with Clitina and two other hoes. “Day’Asia!” I run up on the car and grab her by the back of her damn weave. “Oh, no the fuck you not leavin’ up outta here after I told ya black ass you couldn’t go out!” I swing her around and she tries to push me off of her.
“Get off of me!”
“Oh, you wanna fight, huh?”
“No, but you ain’t gotta be puttin’ ya hands on me either. You stay lettin’ Marquelle and them do whatever they want, but I can’t do shit!”
I slap her face. “Who the fuck is you talkin’ to like that? I told you ya ass couldn’t go and you tryna step out anyway. Like fuck me, right? Get yo black ass in the house ’fore I fuck you up out here. Don’t you ever fuckin’ disrespect me!”
“Asia, girl,” a dark-skin chick sittin’ in the front passenger seat says, gettin’ out the car. She’s wearin’ blue contacts and a long black weave with blue streaks in her bangs “You ain’t gotta put up with this shit. Get your shit and come stay at my house.”
I blink. This fresh-mouth ho can’t be no more than fifteen or sixteen, talkin’ all kinds of reckless and sideways. “Oh, lil’ girl. You better jump back in ya lane and mind your goddamn manners.”
The heifer has the audacity to put a hand up on her hip and swirl her neck. “Bitch, you don’t tell me what to do. My name ain’t Day’Asia. You better check my birth certificate. My name is Roweena and I will smack the shit out you. Asia, you better tell her, girl. I’ll give her what I give mine. And you know how I do it.”
She slams a hand up on her narrow hip, starin’ me down like she tryna prove a point.
“Weena, girl, I know. But I got this,” Day’Asia says.
“No, lil’ girl, what you got is an ass whippin’ comin’. Now get your ass in the house.”
The hotdog ho snaps her fingers. “Look, Asia, you need to handle her. I know she’s your moms and all, but we got shit to do. And this bitch is crazy tryna set it off and block our flow. You don’t even gotta put up with it.”
I shoot her a nasty look. “Oh, you real grown, huh?”
“Yeah, bitch. And what?”
“Weena, girl, don’t,” Day’Asia warns her. “Just let it go.”