Page 53 of Passion Island

Sometimes he enjoyed playing with his dick more than having someone else play with it. There was something empowering in the art of self-pleasure.

And he loved being watched.

His sex drive was high. He could bust big loads and come multiple times. He had a strong, sturdy dick. And Roselle took pride in knowing his stroke game was superb. Yeah, he knew he had good pipe. And so did his wife and every other woman he blessed with his stamina and the stretch of his dick.

Good dick made the pussy weep, and it made the soul weak.

Brenda let out a low moan.

The sight of him—with his long, wavy hair, curled wetly over his cheeks, brushing over his shoulders as he fucked his hand—incited Brenda to orgasm. Clenching bliss. She shoved a hand between her thighs and hungrily used her fingers to draw out her juices, wringing out more of her orgasm.

Roselle grunted; his eyes locked on his wife as she shifted her weight from one sandaled-foot to the other, and then slipped her cum-stained fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean.

Roselle grinned, and stroked his dick harder, faster.

Brenda licked her lips, loving the taste of herself. She pulled at her nipples as she strained to see her husband through the magnificent sheets of water cascading overhead. The muscles in his arms and shoulders rippled as he slowly fucked his fist.

“Mmm, yes,” Brenda moaned as she watched. Her pussy began with another slow, throbbing pulse that was now nearing a steady, rhythmic thump.



She would come again. Soon. God, yes, she would explode all over herself.

Brenda drank in the sight of Roselle, her gaze climbing its way up his taut body, stopping at his face, then crawling back down to the heated steel in his fist.

The motherfucker knew he had a beautiful, rock-hard body.

It was so masculine.

It was so, so, goddamn sexual.

And that dick—Lord Jesus, yesssss . . .

Her smoldering eyes latched onto Roselle’s half-closed fist as it stroked his engorged shaft. Yes, God, yes. His dick looked impossibly larger, corded with veins as she envisioned a shining bead of precum welling from the crown.

Brenda licked her lips again; her right hand slipping down over her body and then in between her slightly parted thighs, again. The erotic view before her admittedly transfixed her.

She knew her marriage needed work. That was the whole point of being on the island in the first place. But, so far, she’d found solace in knowing that her marriage wasn’t in shambles. She believed that what she and Roselle shared was special, even though he could be a self-absorbed, egotistical pain in the ass.

But he was her self-absorbed, egotistical pain in the ass. And she didn’t want to ever change that part of who he was—just his goddamn cheating.

So, yes, she and Roselle had their marital issues, but as far as Brenda was concerned, they were in a much better place than that LaQuandra woman. Bless her heart, she thought. Brenda couldn’t imagine Roselle moving out of their bedroom and not serving her up a dose of his good loving on a weekly basis.

Even when he went out and cheated, he still made it his business to take care of home first. He made her and the kids his priority. And he made it his duty to keep her well fucked.

Cheating or not.

Brenda gazed at Roselle’s twisting fist and rippling muscles as she lightly pinched her clit. She couldn’t believe she was out here in the nearly dusk evening stoking her lust with greedy fingers, while watching her husband masturbate. Her eyes followed Roselle’s fist as it moved languidly up and down, up and down, and she wanted to cry out. She was slowly becoming fevered with need.

She needed to have her cunt impaled by the meaty girth of his manhood. Needed the mouth of her cervix plugged with the broad head of his cock. She needed to feel his dusky sac slapping the back of her pussy as he pounded himself into her quaking body.

She needed, craved, all of this in the same way she depended on air to breathe.


Roselle’s knees dipped. Oh God. Oh God. Pressure built. Heat coiled. His balls clenched. His thighs tightened.