Page 109 of Dirty Heat

“No ball touchin’, though,” I say, raisin’ a brow. “And I want one-fiddy.”

He opens the door, smilin’ ‘n’ smellin’ like shit. “Same time next week?”

“Yeah,” I say, walkin’ out. “I got you.”

Nasty muhfucka!


“Ohmygod, bae! Dinner was soooo good,” Nivia says, smilin’.

I lean over ‘n’ kiss her lightly on the lips. “Glad you liked it.”

“Liked it? I loved it.”

I grin, feelin’ myself. I did my thing tonight. I surprised my baby wit’ dinner ‘n’ flowers ‘n’ a card.

After I picked the kids up from school, then dropped ’em off over to her moms, I went to the grocery store, then came back here ‘n’ cooked one of her favorite meals. Shrimp scampi.

I ain’t a Chef Ramsey or anything like that, but I watch mad cookin’ shows ‘n’ I know how to put it down in the kitchen.

By the time Nivia walked through the door, I had the lights turned down low, candles lit all through the crib ‘n’ a Marsha Ambrosius mixtape floatin’ through the surround-sound. And a place setting for two set at the dining room table.

“I can’t believe you did all this for me.”

“Why wouldn’t I? You deserve it, babe.”

She eyes me suspiciously. “Uh-huh. Since when?”

“Since I heard what you said the other day.” I pull out the chair next to her ‘n’ sit, takin’ her hand ‘n’ holdin’ it in mine. “I heard you, baby. And you’re right. I need to do more around here. I’m ya man. And I should be holdin’ you down. Not the other way around.”

“Don’t say that. You’re my man. I’m supposed to hold you down. It’s just that sometimes…it’s overwhelming.”

“I know, baby.” I put her hand up to my lips ‘n’ kiss the inside of her palm. “I love you. I know I don’t tell you enough, but I love you ‘n’ I appreciate you holdin’ shit down. You go hard for ya man. Always have. And I don’t want you ever feelin’ like I’m takin’ you for granted.”

“I don’t feel like that,” she says softly.

“C’mon, Nivia. Don’t front. Yes, you do.”

“Okay, sometimes I do. But I know you love me, Levar. And I know there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for me. I know what kinda man you are when you have money. You’ve always taken care of me, and the kids.”

“Shit’s been hard, babe,” I say, keepin’ shit a hunnid. “Sometimes I feel like I’m becomin’ a burden when you start comin’ at me all reckless, like I’m some charity case ‘n’ shit.”

She frowns, pullin’ her hand away. “Don’t even go there,” she says wit’ attitude. “I know you’re not even trying to say I make you feel like that?”

“C’mon, babe. I don’t wanna turn this into a fight. Let’s enjoy the rest of the night, aiight?”

“I don’t want to fight, either. And I’m sorry you feel that way.”

I lean in ‘n’ kiss her on the lips again as “With You” starts playin’.

“I promise you, babes, we’ll make it outta this storm; just don’t give up on me. That’s all I ask.”

She kisses me back. Slides her tongue in between my lips. I let my baby in. Let her tongue swirl around mine. Savor her soft lips. Feel my dick brickin’ up.

And when she pulls back, I can’t front I feel weak. I love this fuckin’ girl, yo.

I ain’t into doin’ some of the shit I’ma ’bout to get into, but if it’s gonna keep a few dollars in my pocket ‘n’ help lighten the load around here, then I’ma do what I gotta do to make it happen until I can find something better.