“Yeah,” Tanner said thoughtfully. “See, here’s the thing. She really is smart. Alessandra says she graduated top of her undergrad class, and she?

??s close to getting her doctorate.”

“Do I give a damn about her doctorate?” Chay said, glowering. “She knows as much about what we do as a mouse knows about whales, but does that stop her from trying to interfere? Hell, no. Does it stop her from trying to do a job she knows nothing about? No way. She’s got a one-track mind and the track it plays says I know how this should be done and if you don’t like it, that’s too damn…What?”

“Oh, nothing much.” Tanner took a swig of ale. “I mean, I can’t imagine why someone like you would have a problem with any of that. You’re such an easy-to-deal-with guy, always ready to take advice, always so modest and humble and unassuming.”

Chay glared across the table. “I am never difficult to…” His mouth twitched. “Jesus. Okay. I get it. I sound like a jerk, but, dammit, women aren’t supposed to be like that.”

“No.” Tanner said. “Of course not. Women are supposed to be docile and sweet.”

“Hell, Akecheta. Don’t put words in my mouth. That’s not what I meant.” Chay shook his head. “We’re like oil and water, you know? She rubs me the wrong way and I do the same to her.”

“Yeah.” Tanner cleared his throat. “But, you know, speaking of rubbing… She’s a good-looking woman, dude. Did you maybe come on to her and get the door slammed in your face?”

Chay thought about that kiss. Thought, again, about how the Tigress had reacted. He even thought about clueing Tanner in, telling him that yes, he’d made a move and she’d dissolved right into it…

No. He wouldn’t tell that to anybody. Not to protect himself. To protect her. She was a first-class bitch, but he was an officer and a gentleman, even though he’d managed to forget both those things on the porch at El Sueño.

“So? Did I touch on something, bro?”

Chay managed to smile. “You know better. How could such a thing ever happen? What woman in her right mind would turn down a Chayton Olivieri move?”

Tanner went on looking at him for a couple of seconds. Then he smiled, too, and lifted his bottle of ale in salute.

“See what I mean? So modest. It’s one of your finest qualities.”

“You left out brilliant,” Chay said.

Both men laughed. They clinked their bottles of ale together, but before they could drink, a female voice interrupted them.

“Male bonding. Such a charming thing to see.”

The sisters stood next to the table. Alessandra was the one who’d spoken in a high, deliberately cheerful voice. Bianca stood next to her, arms folded, expression stony and unforgiving.

So what else is new, Chay thought, but he kept smiling.

“It’s bromance,” he said. “You’re just jealous.”

“Of course they are,” Tanner rose to his feet. “Ladies. How about getting out of here and having dinner somewhere else? That Thai place. Olivieri? You agree?”

Chay hesitated. Forget it, he wanted to say. You guys take off. I’m gonna stay right here.

But this wasn’t about him. Or about the Tigress. It was about old pals getting together for a few hours. Just a few hours. He could deal with that.

He nodded, reached for his wallet and tossed some bills on the table. Tanner reached for his wallet, too, but Chay waved him off.

“Drinks are on me. So, how about getting some food. Sound good to you guys? Tanner?”

Both men looked at the women. Alessandra looked at Bianca.

“What about it?” she said softly. “You up for some dinner?”

They all waited. At last, the Tigress inclined her head. Only that. Not a word. Not a smile. Not anything that would keep Chay’s gut from knotting. Just that one haughty gesture. The queen acceding to the request of the peasants.


The word was clipped and the tone she used made it a lie, but Tanner went with it.