He felt his jaw tighten. “You made a lot of interesting noises for a woman waiting for something to end,” he said coldly.

“You flatter yourself, Lieutenant.”

His eyes narrowed. “I’m not deaf or dumb or blind, Ms. Wilde. When a woman comes with me inside her, when she comes twice, I’m aware of it.”

“I guess if vibrators could talk, they’d make that same statement.”

His smile tilted at one corner of his mouth. “Very nice. Charming, in fact. Anything else you want me to know about your sex life?”

Color swept into her face.

“Remember what I told you the last time you touched me? That it would never happen again?” Her chin lifted. Her mouth thinned. Her eyes glittered with rage. She looked angry and beautiful and for one crazy second he thought of hauling her into his arms and making a lie of the crap she was spouting. “What I’m telling you now is that you are never, ever to so much as speak to me again.”

Chay folded his arms over his chest.

“And how, exactly, are you going to explain that to your sister?”

“I won’t even try. Tanner has only another couple of days here. There’s no reason for our paths to cross.”

“What if he suggests dinner? A movie? What if he wants the four of to get together?”

“I’ll say I have a cold. A headache.” Her chin went up another notch, although how it could have gotten as high as it was struck him as impossible. “If you’re afraid I’ll tell him the truth, stop worrying. I am not about to cause problems for my sister and her husband.”

“You mean you’re not about to tell anybody I just fucked your brains out.”

She slapped him. Hard. Really hard. The force of the blow snapped his head back and he figured he’d be wearing her handprint for a couple of hours.

Yeah, but what the hell, he’d deserved it.

What he’d just said had been crude… Hell. Crude, but accurate. Because he damn well had fucked her brains out, which was precisely what she had done to him.

He’d never experienced anything like it.

Sex in a public place? Of course. With a woman he hardly knew? Damn right. Sex that was fast and furious? Hey, there were all kinds of ways to get off.

But sex that had driven every rational thought from his head?


He’d never had sex quite like that, sex that, even now, made him think about silencing her with a kiss, about taking her down to the sand, about burying himself inside her because, despite what she said, it was what she’d want, what she’d sob for, what would drive away all the anger inside him, the emptiness, the pain…

His breath caught.

Was that the reason the sex with her had seemed to explode through him? Was it because of that kid on the mountain? Had he needed this to get the kid out of his head?

Made sense.

Maybe the sex hadn’t been mind-blowing.

Maybe his need for it had been what made it seem that way.

Maybe it wasn’t about this woman.

It couldn’t have been about this woman.

All of a sudden what she said, what she’d laid down as law, that they never deal with each other again, made sense. The truth was, he wanted to forget the entire night and he wasn’t going to waste any time getting started on making that happen.

“Get out of my way.”