“It’s called—”

“I don’t care what it’s called.” She waved her hand at the Harley. It looked as if it had gotten even bigger. “It will be more exponient to do this together.”

“It’s expedient. And—”

“I knew that,” she said sharply. “I misspoke. That was all.”

That wasn’t all. Chay didn’t know her very well. Hell, he didn’t know her at all. But he’d already figured out that when she was upset or nervous, her all but perfect English developed flaws.

“But there will be rules.”

Jesus H. Christ. “What rules?”

“You will not go too fast.”

“Not a hair over ninety,” he said, straight-faced. “What else?”

“You will go slowly on curves.”

“Curves are my specialty. What else?”

“I do not want you to think I am wary of riding this—this—”

“Harley,” he said politely. “A Harley Davidson 1991 FXDB Sturgis.”

“Whatever. I am not wary of it, but—”

“Of course you’re wary of it,” he said impatiently. “You’re scared you’ll fall off. Or that we’ll crash. When you’re afraid of something, admit it. Face it. Deal with it.”

She looked at him in surprise. Psychology, from Lieutenant God?

“Just relax.” His tone softened. “I’ve been riding most of my life.” His teeth flashed in a quick smile. “Hell, I’ve been riding damn near all of my life. And I haven’t had an accident yet.”

Well, it wasn’t really a lie. He hadn’t had an accident worth mentioning and the one that, okay, maybe was worth mentioning hadn’t been his fault.

“So we’re okay with this?” he said.

She nodded. “Okay.”

He held out a helmet. “Safety rule number one. Always wear a helmet.”

She took the helmet from him it and pulled it on. The band that held all those long, soft golden strands at the nape of her neck came loose just as he reached for the chinstrap.

A silken curl brushed across his knuckles.

Something sizzled deep inside him. He jerked his hand away.

“Could you go a little faster?” he said sharply.

“Cristo! Are you always so impatient?”

“I’m not impatient. I just want to catch up with Tanner and your sister before breakfast.”

“Very amusing.”

“I’m glad you think so.” Chay unzipped his leather jacket and shrugged it off. “Now get the jacket on.”

Bianca stared at him. ‘Why would I want to wear that?”