Bianca knew that the word could was incorrect. There was no could about it. She had a job. An important job. She had responsibilities. She had to return to New York and resume her life.

She anguished over how to tell Chay.

What would he say? How would he react?

They still made love. A little more carefully than before, considering Chay’s arm, but it was still wonderful.

They still held hands as they strolled along the beach.

They still talked about all kinds of things, but something had changed between them. It was a subtle change, but it was a real one.

Bianca knew what it was.

The situation that had brought them together was gone.

There was no more reason for her to be in California, or for Chay to talk about going to New York.

The mission, as she knew Chay would have put it, was over.

• • •

Thursday evening, Bianca poured two glasses of wine.

“How about we go out on the deck and watch the sunset?” she said.

He nodded. “I was about to suggest the same thing.”

He opened the sliding doors. They stepped outside and for the first time Bianca could remember, Chay didn’t gather her into his arms.

Well, his arm was probably hurting. The wound was healing well, but there were times it twinged.

This had to be one of those times.

So they stood side by side, watching the sun as it dipped lower and lower in the sky, while Bianca told herself to stop being a coward.

She had to tell him about the meeting in New York. About her responsibilities in New York.

What would he say?

Would he ask her not to go?

She’d tried not to think about that, tried not to plan ahead…but if he asked, she knew what she would say.

She would say yes.

Really, it had been an easy decision to make.

Yes, she would stay in California. Or, to be accurate, she would move to California. Give up her apartment. Well, she’d do that anyway. She never wanted to set foot in those rooms again.

As for her job… East Side Associates would probably not be sorry to lose her. Marilyn Epstein was gone, but the memories—and the gossip—would linger. Bianca had been part of the mess. An unwitting part, but still…

So, it was time to go. To start over.

And California was a perfect place for that.

She had excellent academic credentials and she could find the same kind of work here, finish her dissertation here.

She could be happy here, with her lieutenant.