Chay’s eyes narrowed. “And you had no such notification?”


He nodded. “And when you left on Friday… Did you see anybody on your way out?”

Lacey shook her head. “Not a soul.”

“You sure? No one in the hall? The elevator? The lobby?”

“Nobody… Well, yes. I did see a janitor.”


“In the lobby. Heading for the service door to the basement.”

“Did you know him?” Chay asked, trying to keep his voice calm. “Recognize him?”

“No. I mean, how could I? His back was to me. Plus he was wearing a uniform.”

“Describe the uniform.”

“It was the same kind all the service people in the building wear,” Lacey said, looking from Chay to Bianca and then to Chay again. “Charcoal gray. One piece. Long sleeves. With the name of the building management company stenciled on the back. Avido.”

Chay nodded. “That’s it? Nothing else?”

“No,” she said, as she turned towards Bianca. “Doc? Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

Bianca looked at Chay. He slipped his arm around her shoulders.

“Just some kind of mix-up,” he said. “Nothing for you to worry about. Just one last favor…”


“When you go in on Monday, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention any of this to anyone.” He flashed a quick smile. “You know what bureaucracy is like. Your boss calls management, management calls my boss, my boss calls me, and a problem that could have been dealt with in maybe an hour ends up taking a month.”

Lacey sighed. “Tell me about it. Last week? I couldn’t get any hot water in the bathroom. I should have just phoned the super, but no, I phoned the landlord and it took days until I had hot water again.”

“Right,” Chay said cheerfully. His arm tightened around Bianca as they all walked towards the door. “Oh, and one other thing…” He looked down at Bianca. “Honey? You want to let Lacey in on our little secret?”

“What little—”

“About us going away for a few days. To Miami.”

Bianca’s eyes widened. Then she nodded. “Oh. That.”

“Miami? You guys are going to Miami?” Lacey stared at Bianca. “What about your patients? Your dissertation?”

“She’ll call her patients,” Chay said lazily. “Reschedule her appointments. See, we used to be, you know, very close. And now that we’re in touch again…”

Lacey grinned. “Why, Doc,” she said teasingly, “I’d never have imagined you doing something so cool.”

“No,” Bianca said. “Neither would I.”

“You just go and have fun. I’ll get in a little early and phone your patients for you tomorrow. Actually, if I remember right, I think you have a pretty light day Monday, don’t you?”

“I—I—Yes. I think I do.”

Lacey grinned. “You just go to Miami and have fun. And Doc?” She leaned in close. “What we both said about work before, you know, before other things?” She flicked Chay a fast look. “Not when other things look like that,” she said, and giggled.