But if there were, would he have kissed her? Would he have said he wanted to make love to her? Would he look at her as he had last night, as if he could almost feel her in his arms, hear her moans, because she would moan if he touched her, and—what was wrong with her today? She couldn’t live here and imagine these things.



“You seem…distracted.”

Heat rushed to her face. “No, not at all.” Quickly, to cover her embarrassment, she added, “You said you’re flying to Philadelphia?”

“And that my P.A., Joan, will show you around. She took care of furnishing your office. If it doesn’t please you, tell her to make whatever changes you wish. Joan’s also the one who scheduled your appointments, so if you have any questions—”

“Ask Joan.”

Dante nodded and walked around the table to where she sat.

“She’s organized meetings for you with half a dozen prospective assistants.”

He was leaning over her; his scent drifted to her. Soap, water and pure, sexy essence of Dante. That was how she’d always thought of the smell of his skin. She’d never forgotten it or the memories it evoked.

His taste on her tongue. The feel of him, under her hands.

“I’m right,” he said softly.

Tally looked up. His face was close to hers, his eyes a deep, cool gray.

“Something’s definitely distracting you, cara. What could it be?”

“Nothing. I’m just—I’m concentrating on what you said. My office. Appointments with possible assistants. What else?”

“Did Mrs. Tipton tell you that she and Ellen will be happy to look after Sam, until you’ve hired a nanny?”

He leaned closer. All she had to do was turn her head an inch and her lips would brush his jaw.

“She told me. That’s very—” she cleared her throat “—that’s very kind of them. I’ll contact an agency first thing and—”

“Joan’s already taken care of it. A highly recommended agency is sending over half a dozen women for you to interview. They all have impeccable credentials, but again, if you’re not satisfied, all you need do is inform Joan.”

His shoulder brushed hers. Was it her imagination, or could she feel the heat of him through all the layers of clothing separating them?

“Tally? Is that acceptable?”

His eyes were on hers. The color had gone from gray to silver. Silver that somehow burned like flame.

“It’s—it’s fine.”

“Because,” he said, his voice suddenly low and husky, “because, cara, we can always alter the arrangement we made.”

He wasn’t talking about the office or her appointments, and they both knew it.

“No,” she said, “we can’t. I want things exactly as we agreed.”

“Are you certain?”

The only thing she was certain of was that she had to get herself under control because she couldn’t do this. Think about him making love to her, want him making love to her…

She took a deep breath. “Yes.”

“In that case, there’s nothing left to do this morning.” His gaze dropped to her lips. “Except this,” he said softly, and brushed his mouth over hers.