Page 86 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

He leans forward on his elbows. “I can’t believe it. He’s always been a bit douchey, but he’s the one guy I would never have expected to cheat.”

“I was shocked at first, too, but you remember how he was before. He’s always been an arrogant prick. I don’t think much has changed.”

His head turns toward me. “She’s not going to let us kill him?”

“Nope, and if we do, she may choose him, and then we’ll lose her.”

“Fuck, dude. Look at us, all grown up and shit. A few years ago, we’d have rearranged his face and asked questions later.”

I laugh hard. “I think we’re just pussy-whipped. I’m pretty sure if I interfered, Maria was going to hold out on me.”

“Ah, that, too,” he agrees.

We go out back, and Brady and I shoot each other a strange look when we see Liv sitting on Gabe’s lap, giggling. Harrison is down on the beach playing Frisbee with a group of guys. Brady grins and asks, “Stay out of it?”

I nod. “Completely.”

Brady goes down to the beach to check on the boys. I take a seat at the table across from Maria, realizing there’s a heated battle of beer pong taking place. There are five people at the table, but only one of them is still sober. Gabe, Liv, Chad, and Jesse are hammered, and Maria looks up from under her lashes and shrugs.

“Has she had anything to drink?” I ask the table.

“Nothing,” Gabe slurs.

“Hey, I had one drink.” Maria grins, holding up a fruity cocktail. “I was thirsty, and if I waited on you all, I’d still be waiting.”

I love how she fits here perfectly with my family and friends.

“Walk with me,” I say, glancing across the table to the woman I love. She smiles and gets up immediately.

We stroll down the private beach hand in hand, kicking sand until the partygoers are tiny spots behind us. When I turn her around to face me and drop to my knees, my palms start to sweat. Her hands fly up and cover her mouth.

“What are you doing?” she asks, although I’m fairly certain she’s caught on.

I pull the ring I picked out with Liv’s and Tori’s help from my pocket, and hold it up, the sun sparkling off the princess cut diamond.

“I was going to wait until tomorrow to ask you because this is Brady’s homecoming and I didn’t want to draw attention from the band, but something happened to change my mind.”


My heart is heavy as I say the words. “Javier called me daddy.”

The corners of her mouth turn up, and tears stream down her cheeks. “He did?”

I nod. “He did, and I want so much to be his daddy, for you to be my wife, and our family to be complete. Will you marry me?”

She sobs and drops to her knees next to me. “I want to, so much, but I haven’t been entirely truthful with you.”

The worry in her voice alarms me. “What is it? You can tell me. It won’t change anything between us.”

“I’m not on the pill,” she says and I hold her cheeks.

I turn my head, confused, and stare out into the ocean. Then I smile, and a feeling of excitement and nerves overcomes me. I mean, I wasn’t planning on starting a family with her yet, but just because it’s sooner than I wanted, I’m still thrilled.

“You’re pregnant? That’s great. I want a house full of babies.”

She releases a string of obscenities in Spanish that I can’t keep up with. I don’t know what I said. Does she not want another child?