Page 44 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“Don’t tell Liv that. I have a photographic memory and can do math in my head. I was two grades ahead in school. Liv hated that everyone thought I was older than her.”

“So, you can remember everything?”

“Pretty much.”

“That’s kind of awesome.”

“Sometimes, as a kid, not so much. As a teen I was only cool because I was Brady’s brother and did all the homework for the football team.”

“And as an adult?”

“It’s useful. I came up with an algorithm at work that made our company a fortune and launched Gibson into the global market.”

“Your life is amazing.”

“Hardly, but it’s improving.”

I watch realization dawn over her features. “Me?”

“Most definitely you,” I say, kissing her forehead.

“You know what?” she asks in a flirty voice, her eyes glancing at my crotch as she climbs on top of me. She drops kisses on my chest and moves lower, her hair tickling my chest. She peers up at me seductively. “I do like you, needle dick.” I push her head lower, keeping my hand tangled in her hair. Her mouth seals around my cock as round two begins.

My eyes flutter open to Maria staring down at me. When she texted her sitter last night to watch Javier, and agreed to spend the night with me, I wasn’t about to waste time sleeping, but rounds two through four knocked me into a coma.

“Morning, handsome.”

I stretch and smile. “Good morning to you.”

“I need to get home.”

“Oh, and here I was hoping you’d dare to call me needle dick again.”

Her eyes twinkle as she bites her lip. “Yeah, so not a fitting nickname for …” She glances down. “I can do better.”

“Oh, really? Do tell?”

“Hmm, okay, Jurassic Pork.” Laughter erupts from my lips and I dig my fingers into her ribs, tickling her. She scoots out of reach. “Okay, you don’t like that one, how about the Bone Ranger, Muff Marauder, Clam Hammer?” She looks so proud of herself. I shake my head with a huge grin, loving how playful she’s being. She shrugs. “Okay, how about “Woody Womb Pecker.”

I make a face. “No, definitely not!”

She bursts into uncontrollable laughter, and I join her.

“Oh, no, wait, I got it!” She sits up straight and calms her laughter. “You ready?” I nod, enjoying the completely wide-open side of her that’s rarely visible. I wish I could see it more often. “Wait for it …” she teases me. “Wait for it … Puff the One-Eyed Dragon.”

She falls to the bed in another bout of laughter. My arm wraps around her waist, and I slide her underneath me and skim our noses together.

“I’d offer you a million dollars to stay here with me forever, but I don’t

want to make you feel like a hooker.”

Her smile is so pure and beautiful, I melt on the inside.

“You have a very twisted sense of humor.”

“So I’ve been told.”

She holds her hand against my cheek. “I’d love to stay, but I have to work tonight, and I have to be in early. Davey has interviews, and I want to be there to make sure he hires them based on ability, not bra size.”