Page 36 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“Doesn’t matter. Dating her won’t exactly make the board happy.”

Her forehead crinkles. “Can I be frank?”

“Mmmm, I’d prefer you be Tori. You’d make a rather ugly guy.”

“Oh, my Tug is so back. Look, I could lecture you on this being a stunt your mother would’ve pulled, but I’m guessing you’ve already considered that.” I nod. “You know what I miss most about you?”

“I’m dying to know, seriously. I’m on pins and needles here.”

Tori shakes her head. “Aside from your often obnoxious sense of humor, you were always the one to do whatever you wanted, and you were never afraid to stand up to anyone who got in your way. Brady was always the pleaser. You’ve never been a follower. Why start now?’

That’s an easy one to answer. Brady put me in charge of Gibson Capital. “I don’t want to let Brady down.”

“If you truly like Maria and the board has an issue with it, I think Brady would be the first one to back you.”

I realize she’s right. Brady, of all people, wouldn’t want me to live a lie. “You’re pretty great.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself. Now, you have a ton of ass-kissing to do with Maria, and no offense, but I hope she makes it painful.”

I cover my heart with my hands. “I’m hurt. I thought we were friends again.”

“We are, but you’ll appreciate her so much more if she makes you work for it.”

I sit in the chair next to her and put my feet on the table. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging me to date a hooker.”

“Why not?” Tori shoves my feet from the table. “She’ll fit right into this crazy family of ours. We aren’t exactly traditional. What harm can throwing a hooker in the mix do? Besides, she could be anything, and as long as she makes you smile like you are now, I’ll encourage you to do whatever it takes to keep her.”

“What if she was a dog?” I ask, my expression completely serious.

“You mean if she was ugly, or, like, an actual canine bitch?”

With a straight face I answer, “Canine bitch.”

“But she makes you happy?”

I nod. “Extremely.”

Her lips twist as she thinks of a reply. She tries not to laugh. “Then I’d say give her a bone and make her howl.”

“You’re so twisted, Tor.”

“Hey, you brought animals into this conversation. It takes twisted to know twisted.”

I’ve missed this girl so much it hurts. Things happen for a reason, and maybe Tori and I needed a giant test of our friendship to force me to move on. “This was perfect. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She gets up from the table. “Why don’t you stay for dinner? It’ll be nice to have you around.”

“I would, but I have some ass-kissing to do.”

We go inside, and I hug both Tori and Drew goodbye. It’s nice to leave my brother’s house feeling content rather than contempt.

While I wait in the long line at the border, I call Larissa.

“Hey, tiger,” she purrs into the phone.

“We need to talk.”

“Okay. About what?”