Page 32 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“Oh, God. I’m so sorry. I’ll get you a towel.”

She screams and stands up, her large green eyes glaring at Andrew. “You fucking little brat!”

“Hey, don’t talk to him like that!” I know it’s none of my business, but the words come out anyway, and, judging by her flushed skin, she’s furious.

“You mind your business if you want to keep your job.”

I cower, but only because I can’t lose this job. I glance at Tug, and beg for intervention with my eyes.

He appears amused by the entire episode and grabs her wrist. “Sit down, Larissa. Maria will get a towel.”

“No, I will not sit down.” She points at Andrew. “Are you retarded or something?”

“What’s the matter with you?” I scream. “You can’t talk to him like that. He’s just a kid.”

Her long red fingernail points at me. “I told you to butt out.” She whips her head around toward Tug. “Aidan, are you going to say something to him?”

“Yep.” Tug smiles mischievously and pats the top of Andrew’s head. “Don’t sweat it, buddy. It was an accident, and I’ll pay to have her dress cleaned.”

She crosses her arms.

“This is an outrage. I want to see your boss.”

I leave and fill Davey in on the incident. He laughs. “Good ol’ Tug.”

Even Davey reacts like he expects this from Tug. I was right—the man truly cannot go anywhere without creating pandemonium?

We reach the table, and Davey takes in the scene as I hand Queen Crazy a towel. She rips it from my grip and swipes at her dress erratically. A smile forms over Davey’s mouth. “You wanted to see me?” he says, his tone professional, although laced with a hint of amusement.

“Yes, your clumsy employee spilled drinks all over my dress and didn’t so much as apologize for it.”

I bite my tongue to keep from calling her a lying bitch. Just because I didn’t mean it, doesn’t erase that I did in fact apologize.

“So, you’re unhappy with the service?” Davey clarifies, casually.

“Yes, very unhappy.”

“Well, then, I don’t have to worry about seeing you in here again.” He leans to the left to look at Tug. “Tug, since your friend is causing a scene, I think it’s time for you to take her home.”

“Who’s Tug?” Queen Crazy asks, annoyed.

“Pardon me. Aidan” — Davey laughs — “now would be a good time to take Crazy home.”

“How dare you!” Queen Crazy pushes her hands onto her hips and stomps her feet like a petulant child. It’s quite comical and I cover my mouth to hush my laughter. “Are you going to let him speak to me that way?”

Tug stands up. When he does, our arms touch, sending a charge through my body. Why do I react this way to him? It has to be chemical, because logically, I find him infuriating.

“Can Drew hang out for a bit?” he asks, sounding desperate. I want to say no, but I adore Andrew, and I want to protect him from Queen Crazy’s wrath.

“Of course.”

“Come on, princess. Time to go.” Tug says, and grips her arm. She grumbles loudly and purses her bright red lips. Tug practically drags her to the exit. Davey glances over at me and mouths, Whoa! He holds his index finger next his ear and makes circles in the air. I laugh, and not just because she’s crazy, but because Tug is stuck with her spoiled, pampered ass.

I take Andrew into Davey’s office and find him some crayons and a coloring book.

“Will you be okay in here for a little while?” He nods and picks up a crayon.

“Oh, do you still need to use the bathroom?”