Page 31 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“I know you didn’t. I can handle her spoiled ass. You take table five for me.”

“Thank you.”

Great, I’m stuck with Captain Asshat and Queen Crazy for the next hour at least. I wish I could down a few shots at the bar, but it would be unprofessional, and I don’t want to let Brady down. I can’t believe Tug would show up here for dinner. He has to know I work here. I stand tall as I approach their table and silently beg for strength. Tug acts completely uninterested in my presence, which is fine with me.

“Hi. So lovely to see you again,” I say to Queen Crazy, and put a hand on Andrew’s shoulder. “Hello, Andrew.”

The kid smiles up at me, and I feel more relaxed. If I just keep my eyes on him, I’ll get through this.

“You know, Maria, the incompetence of your staff is baffling.”

So is your attitude, I think, trying not to laugh. Did she go to a special school to learn bitch-speak? No one enunciates every word when they talk. It’s not natural. Maybe she’s a robot. Hopefully she’s programed to make Tug’s life a living hell.

Sweetly, I ask, “How so?”

Her eyes bug out, and she extends her perfectly manicured hand in Maddie’s direction.

“That twit actually thought I would let her serve me again. After last week, I’m actually astonished to see that she’s still employed here.”

My face starts to hurt from the fake smile I’m trying to keep plastered on my lips. “I’m sure she didn’t recognize you.”

“Whatever,” she grumbles. “I would like a cosmopolitan. And Aidan will have a Bombay martini, dry, three olives.”

My heart beats furiously when I make eye contact with Tug. If he wasn’t so gorgeous and if he didn’t make my insides turn to mush, it would be easier to hate him.

“No, thank you. I’m on babysitting duty tonight. I’ll have water,” he says politely and indifferently before darting his eyes away from me.

“And for you, Andrew?”

“Chocolate milk, please.” His grin is adorable. He looks just like Brady.

Queen Crazy makes an awful noise and says, “Please, this isn’t McDonalds. They don’t have chocolate milk.”

The smile slides off Andrew’s face. His sad frown makes me want to slap the snooty bitch.

Instead, I smile and wink at him. “Actually, we do. You’re in luck, kid.”

“Well, he doesn’t need the sugar,” she says, speaking over me. “He’ll be bouncing off the walls. He’ll also have water.”

“He’ll have chocolate milk,” Tug says firmly before smiling at me. “Thank you, Maria.”

His smile slices through me, causing an eruption of anger under the skin.

“Yeah, thank you, Maria.” Andrew giggles.

I leave to go to the table next to them. While I’m taking their order, I eavesdrop on Tug’s table conversation.

“How do you know her?” Queen Crazy asks accusingly.

“I didn’t say I did,” Tug responds, his tone clearly irritated.

She sighs dramatically. “She called Andrew by name.”

“She’s friends with my dad,” Andrew answers for Tug.

Walking away, I can’t help but laugh. Andrew just saved his ass. Tug owes the kid, big-time.

I return to the table with their drinks. As I start to set the tray down, Andrew announces he has to use the bathroom and bolts up from his chair. His shoulder bumps the bottom of the tray, and as hard as I try, I can’t stop it from toppling over and spilling all three drinks in Queen Crazy’s lap.