Page 28 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“I’ll take it,” I say without hesitation.

His deep green eyes smile. “Good. You can start tomorrow. Davey will be expecting you.”

“You won’t be there?”

“Nope, I’m just an investor. I go on the road in a few days, and I have a lot to do before we leave.”

“Right. I forgot you’re a big-time rock star now. Does Davey know about me?”

“Yes, but don’t worry. Davey’s a good guy with a past that makes you look like an angel. He’ll flirt too much, but he’s harmless.”

I reach up and hug him. He hugs me back, which makes me smile. Although I used to have a huge crush on him, I’m not interested in Brady in a sexual way, but I’ve always thought of us as friends, and today confirms that we really are.

“I can’t thank you enough for this, Brady.”

“Just do a good job. That’s all the thanks I need.”

“I won’t let you down. Oh, can you do me a favor?” I ask, holding the envelope of cash Mark gave me out to him.


“Can you give this to Tug? Tell him I don’t want it.”

His grin is knowing, and I hate seeing it. “Should I ask?”

“Please don’t.”

“It’s actually too bad you two didn’t meet at another time.”

“Why’s that?”

“I can see the two of you together.”

His words hurt, and I wave a hand in the air. “Let’s not talk about him, okay? Your brother is one of my least favorite people.”

“Right. I have to get going anyway. I’m glad you accepted, and I’ll see you soon.”

We hug again and he leaves me on the corner, feeling a tiny amount of renewed hope.

The last two weeks at work went better than I expected. The board seems happy that I’ve been photographed having dinner with a steady girlfriend. My family and I are getting along remarkably well, and other than the empty void in my heart, life is manageable without drinking an entire bottle of rum. I can’t stop thinking about the envelope Maria gave Brady to return to me, containing every last penny I paid to spend the night with her. She completed the job and stayed with me for longer than required, and I know she needs the money, yet she gave it back. The only plausible conclusion is she did it as a gesture to let me know she would never forgive me, not that I deserve anything from her, but I can’t stop thinking about her.

I pick up Drew for another sleepover so Tori and Brady can have some alone time before the band hits the road. Tori and I chat while she gathers his things. Her laughter makes me smile. I follow her to the kitchen, and she sets Drew’s bag on the island.

“I kind of like this,” she says timidly, as if knowing she’s treading on fragile ground.

“What? Me not making you miserable?” I joke, and love the smile that sweeps over her face.

“Ha-ha! Very funny. It’s nice to have my Tuggy back.”

“Keep calling me Tuggy, and I might have to go back to hating you.”

She grips the edge of the counter with one hand. With the other she holds her abdomen and winces.

“Oh, God.”

“What is it?” I ask. “Are you okay? Should I take you to the hospital?”

She smiles and lets go of the counter. “No, no, I’m fine. The baby kicked, that’s all. This one’s going to be a punter. Come here, feel it.”