Page 23 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“Yeah, I heard.” I turn my head toward him, and he laughs. “You’re a dick. Let’s call it even and move on.”

“You’re not pissed?” I ask, swaying slightly in the seat.

“Oh, I’m pissed, really pissed,” he says, even though he smiles, “but I’m done fighting with you, little brother. I want peace.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

He shifts, straddling the stool so he’s facing me. “You were thinking you’d try one last-ditch effort to get Tori back.”

I realize I had more vested in today than getting Tori back, and I feel like a heel for it. “I don’t think that’s it. I wanted to get back at her, make her feel my pain, make her suffer a little for not choosing me.”

His head cocks to the side. “That’s so wrong, but I get it.”

I close my eyes and rub them. It makes me dizzy, so I stop and open them to a sea of blurred liquor bottles in front of me. They eventually come into focus and I say, “It isn’t half as bad as what I did to Maria.”

“You’re right about that.” Brady’s dry humor makes me smile.

“I suck.”

Brady nods without disputing my verbal self-bashing. “Maria’s a nice girl, and she’s had it rough.”

“What do you know?”

“I’m not telling. It’s her story, but you’re the last thing she needs in her life.”

“And you’re right about that.” I get up from the stool and toss some cash on the bar. “I’m sorry I tried to ruin your wedding.”

He laughs. “I figured it was coming.”

“You’re doing wonders for my confidence today, bro.”

Brady stands and throws his arm around neck. ?

?I want my family together, you included. I don’t want Mom to win.”

“I hear ya. I’ll try harder.”

“Good, because when I’m on the road, Drew is going to need a man around.”

My stomach sinks, but my heart swells.

“You can count on me for that.”

The tuxes Tori picked out are awful, but they’re aren’t nearly as atrocious as the matching bubblegum-pink bow tie and cummerbund. If I had to guess, the color choice is a result of a battle Tori refused to fight with my sister.

I anxiously knock on the dressing room door. Tori opens it. I expect her to deliver a hard and well-deserved slap. Instead, she smiles and opens the door.

“Hey,” she says shyly, her eyes smiling.


“What you did was cruel.”

I frown and step inside the room. “I know. I’m sorry. I wanted to hurt you.”

“I know you did. I probably deserve it, but I wasn’t talking about what you did to me. That girl likes you, and I’m certain she thought you liked her, too.”

I blow out a long breath. “I do like her.”