“He is?”

“Yes, Brady said he won’t talk to anyone until he knows you’re there.”

My smile disintegrates. Andrew’s worried that I broke my promise. He thinks I left him.

“Come on, let’s go.”

“I need a minute, please,” I tell both my mom and Liv. “Wait for me in the car. I’ll be right down.”

They agree and leave me alone. I go to the bed and pick up the envelope. I have to know. My fingers shake as I slip them under the seal and tear it free. As I pull the letter out, my hands shake so badly that the letter flaps around. I can barely unfold it. I take a slow deep breath in before I look down and read who my baby’s father is.

The drive to the hospital seems to take forever. I spend most of it thanking the powers that be for bringing Andrew back to us. My father stops in front to let us out. Liv holds my hand as we walk inside. She stops at the corner of the hall leading to his room. “You go. I’m going to wait here with your mom. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I take the corner and walk the long hall to Andrew’s room. I knock once before slowly opening the door. Brady’s at his side. He turns to me with soft green eyes and a genuine smile. I’m taken aback. I’ve seen nothing but hatred in his eyes for three long days. Without a word, I look past him to where Andrew is resting. His eyes are closed. All the tubes that were keeping him alive have been removed. The only thing left is his IV.

“He woke up, and the first thing he said was, ‘I want my mom.’”

My eyes sting as a wave of uncertainty washes over me. I shouldn’t be here.

“When I told him I didn’t know where she was, he said she had been here.”

My head tilts in confusion as I try to follow along.

Brady swallows hard. “He said he heard her talking to him. He heard you.”

I gasp and reach up with my hand covering my mouth. I try to contain my tears, but they don’t stop. “I’m so sorry, Brady.” It’s all I can manage to say.

His mouth turns down. He gets up from the chair. As he passes, I reach out to grab his hand. He pulls away as though my touch burns him. “Andrew needs you, but that doesn’t mean I forgive you.”

I blink, surprised by his blunt declaration. He keeps walking and slips out the door. Although my heart feels like it’s sliced in two, I rein in my tears, knowing I need to be strong for Andrew when he wakes up. I sit down next to him, holding his tiny hand in mine.

“He loves you.”

It feels so good to hear him speak, even if his voice is small and hoarse. I smile. “I know he does.” I pat his hand. “I’m so happy you’re awake. I was so scared.”

“Thank you for keeping your promise.”

He doesn’t say anything more. He smiles and watches me. I kiss his fingers and run my hand over the top of his head until he drifts to sleep again.

Chapter 30


A week later they let Andrew leave the hospital. Brady is handling all the discharge paperwork and bringing him home. All the guys from Second Chances and my parents are at the house for his homecoming, and are patiently waiting for him to arrive. The band delayed their tour after the accident, but they have to get back out soon, or the label will renege on their contract. Liv and Harrison are helping Rodrigo at the Center today, so they couldn’t be here until later.

Brady still isn’t speaking to me. I don’t have to ask to know how angry and hurt he is. His eyes say everything. Today is going to be especially awkward. Everyone knows things aren’t right between us. I hate it. I won’t move out of the house, though, unless he asks me to. I haven’t spoken to Tug since he left the hospital. Liv says he’s fine, busy with work and trying to move on.

The front door opens, and Andrew walks into a house full of guests who take turns showering him with affection. His boyish grin fills the room with happy energy, covering up the usual hostile tension everyone feels when Brady and I are in the same room together. He’s kissed and hugged by everyone before he comes over to sit on my lap. He cuddles in close to me, and I hold him tight. I catch Brady watching the two of us, but I quickly turn away. I hate what I’ve done to us.

About an hour later the guys leave, and my parents take Andrew upstairs for a bath. Brady and I are left alone together for the first time since the accident. Tension buzzes between us. I can’t take it. I turn to go to the kitchen, but a heavy sigh from Brady stops me. I don’t turn around.

“He’s happy you’re here.”

I spin to face him, feeling angry. “Say what you mean, Brady.” I take a few steps closer to him. “Say that you’re unhappy I’m here. Tell me that you want me to leave, but you won’t ask me because it will hurt Andrew.”

He flinches at my words as though they’re a slap in the face. “You hurt me.”

“I know I hurt you.”