“So there’s a chance?”

I’m annoyed he’s clarifying things. He knows there’s a chance.

“Yes,” I snap.

Panic flashes in his eyes. “Does Brady know?”

“You’re still alive,” I huff. “What do you think?”

“If you’re done acting like such a bitch, we need to talk about this like grown-ups.”

I’m so angry with him. I don’t know him anymore. He’s not the guy I grew up with. Maybe it’s because his mother was so fucked up, or maybe it’s because I can’t love him like he wants, but I hate the person he’s becoming. My Tug would never call me a bitch.

As I stare into his cold eyes, my simmering rage boils over. My skin burns furiously. I step close to him, standing tall. My eyes lock on his. “Coming from captain fucking immature himself. Really, Tug, that’s rich.”

His jaw twitches as the vein in his forehead bulges. I’ve never seen Tug so insanely pissed. He dips his head so we’re eye to eye. My heart sputters. “You wanted me to fuck you. Remember?”

I’m no longer able to control my emotions. That hurt. Angry tears fall from my eyes. “Yes, I do, and it was the biggest fucking mistake of my life.”

He flinches. My words hurt him just as badly. He runs his hands through his hair, cursing under his breath. “Well, that ‘mistake’ might very well have a name soon, so I need to tell Brady.”

“No!” I shout as panic shoots through me.

He shakes his head. “If that baby’s mine, I’ll be a father, Tori. I won’t pretend to be an uncle. Not even for you.”

I instantly feel terrible. I have no intention of asking Tug to do that. “I would never keep you from your child…but we don’t know anything yet.”

In a softer tone he says, “Then we need to find out.”

“I told Brady I was with someone.” His eyes widen as he leans against the counter. “I didn’t say it was you, but we had a test last week. The results will be here any day.” I go and stand next to him. With my hand over his on the counter, I look up at him pleadingly. “So please, don’t say anything until we know for sure.”

“I can’t keep hiding this from him.” His gaze drops to the floor. “It’s eating away at me.”

“I know. I will tell him everything as soon as I get the results.” I duck under him and look up, so he has to make eye contact with me. “Please, if you care about me at all, you can’t tell him. Hearing it from you will crush him more than what we did. I promise, I’ll tell him everything.”

“I don’t know if I can do it.” His head falls back with a heavy sigh. “He has a right to know that I might be that baby’s father.”

“You’re right, I do.” Brady comes into the kitchen. He glares at me with something close to hatred. He must have heard everything. “What the fuck is he talking about?”

I run to him. I need him to hold me to stop the tears from falling. “Brady.”

“No! Don’t touch me.” His cold stare t

urns to Tug. Before I can stop him, Brady charges after Tug. He pins Tug to the wall. Tug doesn’t fight him. He stands confidently, with Brady’s forearm pressing into his throat. “You fucked her?”

“No,” Tug huffs with an air of indignation. His skin turns red as blood and anger rush to the surface. “I loved her when you didn’t.”

“I’ve always loved her.” Brady releases Tug with a growl. I’ve never seen Brady this angry. Tug sags against the wall gasping for air. “I was giving her time, which is more than I can say for you. How long did the two of you wait?” He turns to me. His stare ice cold. “How many times, Tori?”

“Once,” I cry. “I told you. It only happened once.”

With another growl, he rakes his fingers through his hair. “You fucking lied to me.”

“I didn’t,” I insist. “I told you what I did. I just couldn’t tell you who it was. I was scared.”

“Were you ever going to tell me?” I hear the doubt in question.

“Yes.” I go to him. He won’t look at me. “I was waiting for the test results.”