“You brighten mine, too.”

Once we’re inside, I take Andrew to the kitchen and fix him a snack. My phone vibrates on the counter. I pick it up, smiling at the text from Brady.

I’ll call you after Andrew goes to bed. Be naked!

I stifle a giggle as I nearly combust with anxious excitement.

The next five weeks go by remarkably fast. Andrew is busy with his school and friends. We spend a significant amount of time with Liv and Harrison at the Center to fill our days. We Skype Brady almost daily, usually before his show starts. Brady and I text each other every night after his show is over. I never imagined the intimacy we’d experience this way. Having to write out what we want the other to do is strangely exhilarating.

Brady and I have our appointment today for the paternity test. He’s meeting me there at noon. Since the band is in L.A. today, he’s renting a car to drive down, but he has to head back as soon as the appointment is over. I’m wearing a yellow sundress that’s gathered at the waist. I get Andrew dressed for school and pack his lunch. My body is alive with anticipation as we head out the door.

After I drop off Andrew, I walk around downtown to kill time before my appointment. I drop into a few boutiques, but nothing jumps out at me. That is, until I pass a lingerie store. The window mannequin is wearing a white bra and panty set with small embroidered suns on them. I have to have it. I pay for the set, and then slip into the fitting room and change into it.

I arrive at my appointment ten minutes early. The moment I step out of the car, my body pulls toward him. I look around, but don’t see him. I know he’s here. I feel him. He appears from behind a large SUV a few rows away. My stomach drops as my heart feels like it wants to break free and go to him. I start walking, which turns to a slow run. Our bodies collide as our hands start exploring each other. His lips are on mine. Our mouths open and seal together in a long greedy kiss. He leans his head back. I kiss every inch of his face.

He chuckles. “Miss me?”


We go inside, and after a short stint in the waiting area, a nurse takes us back to a room. Since I’m here for a prenatal visit also, the nurse hands me a gown and tells me to put it on before she slips out the door. Brady sits in the chair. I think about what I have on under this dress. A smile curves the corner of his delicious mouth as I kick off my flip-flops and reach for the hem of my sundress. I smile inside as I slowly lift the dress over my head. I hear his breath catch. I set the dress in the chair next to him. His eyes roam over my body as he bites down on his bottom lip. His eyes meet mine, dark and hungry. “You’re trying to kill me.”

I let out a small laugh as I slip my arms through the holes in the gown. I turn around, knowing he’s going to get the full view of the panties’ thong back. “Tie me.”

After a throaty growl, his hand brushes along my shoulders as he moves my blonde waves to the side. His breath, heavy in my ear as he ties the gown, has my core throbbing. It’s strong enough that I wonder how long we have until the doctor comes in. His hands linger on my shoulders as he drops soft kisses to my neck. I whimper, wanting his hand to move. A knock at the door startles both of us. Brady sits in the chair as the door opens. I notice him shifting his crotch. Dr. Anderson smiles at both of us from over the top of her glasses.

“I understand you’ll be having a paternity test today.”

After a nervous glance, Brady and I both nod. I wish we weren’t.

“Well, let’s get the prenatal visit in first, and then I’ll send you to the lab. You should expect results in about a week. They’ll come in the mail. If you have any questions, feel free to call the lab.”

I lie flat on the bed as Dr. Anderson lifts my gown, exposing my belly. She spurts a dollop of cold gel and swipes the wand through it. After a few strokes, the room fills with a sound I recognize. It’s clear Brady does, too. He’s glowing with happiness as we listen to the baby’s heartbeat. I listen, begging whatever powers in the universe decide these things to make this baby his.

After Dr. Anderson goes over the usual questions, she hands Brady a lab slip and leaves us alone. I feel sad and angry. I hate that I behaved poorly, and now Brady and I have to go through this.

Brady climbs up on the bed. His body covers mine as he kisses me deeply. He lifts his head and smiles.

“You’re crazy.”

He laughs.

“What if someone comes in?”

He shrugs and gives me a quick peck. “The test results won’t change anything.”

Is he telling me they won’t or asking me if they will? The results won’t change how I feel about Brady. I want to spend my life with him. My night with Tug was a mistake at a time when I felt lost. I’ve found my way again. Even if this baby is Tug’s, I won’t be with him. I love Brady.

The intensity of Brady’s stare has me squirming beneath him.

“I mean it. No matter what, I’ll love this baby and I’ll love you.”

I smile and let him kiss me again. I push against his chest when I feel his hardness pushing into me. I’m not having sex in my doctor’s office. He groans, but gets up. I put my dress back on. On the way out, I stop and make my next appointment.

After visiting the lab, we walk hand in hand through the parking lot. I hate that he has to go. I turn toward the row where my Jeep is parked, but he holds firm on my hand. I let him lead me to his car. “Don’t you have to go back?”

He smirks. “I have a couple of hours.”

I climb into his rental, trying to figure out what he’s up to. I don’t ask. He merges onto the freeway and takes the exit for Garnet Avenue. My stomach twists with nerves. It’s the exit to the house he grew up in. I’m busy wondering why he wants to go there when he turns onto Mission Boulevard. I sigh in relief. His old house is in the opposite direction. After a few blocks, he pulls into the parking lot of the Catamaran Hotel. I can hardly contain my excitement as my body flowers to life. Sexting has been exciting and fun, but nothing compares to Brady’s touch.