I glance around at other families here to visit their loved ones. I wonder about what might have happened in their lives and if it’s been as messed up as mine.

Nate comes through the steel door. His gaze is apprehensive as he sits next to me. Liv mentioned to him that the band got signed and that I probably wouldn’t be able to visit him for a while. “Is everything okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, I just wanted to see you.”

His fingers lock together on top of the table as he circles his thumbs. ?

??It’s good to see you. Liv told me about the recording deal. I’m proud of you.”

Shock washes over me as I look into his eyes. I gulp loudly and blink. “Thanks.”

“I should’ve said it years ago.”

I nod understandingly.

“So, what do you need from me?”

I tap my fingers in a rolling motion on the table. I’m not sure exactly what I need. “Tori’s pregnant.”

He smiles. “Congratulations, son.” The wrinkles around his eyes crease when he takes in my expression.

“It might not be mine.” I spit it out and let it sit with him. I say nothing more as I wait for him to speak.

“I see.” He rubs his forehead a few times before he sighs heavily. “I loved Sheila.”

What does she have to do with this? I don’t know what he wants me to say. “I know you did.”

“She was different before your mother died. Despite what she told you, they were close. She loved her. When your mother died, something inside Sheila died with her. I think that’s why I kept going along with things. I thought I could bring her back to life. Nothing I did helped. I had an affair with Tori’s mother, hoping it would ignite something in Sheila and make her human again. It didn’t. It made everything worse.”

I really don’t feel like dredging up the past. I have enough going on in the present to worry about. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because, son, how I treated you was wrong. You weren’t mine, but I could have loved you like you were. I chose not to because I couldn’t see past my own hurt and anger.”

This is why I came here. I told Tori I’d love this baby if it wasn’t mine, but I’ve been struggling with it.

“Don’t make the same mistakes I did. I have many regrets, but the biggest is never showing you how much I loved you. You’re stronger than I was. I know you’ll do the right thing.”


He made mistakes, as we all do, but today he gave me something I desperately needed, and I respect him for it.

Chapter 26


Second Chances’ single released last week, and, as I expected, it’s soaring up the charts, sitting pretty at number five. Brady’s a frantic mess, packing everything. It’s not because he’s worrying over forgetting something, though. Today they leave to go on tour. He has to leave me and Andrew, and it’s not sitting well with him, no matter how often I assure him we’ll be fine. I kept him up late last night, giving him something to remember me by, and I’m sure his fatigue is contributing to his grumpy mood. Jesse pulls up out front in the van, honking for him. Andrew and I walk him out with him. Jesse gets out of the van and loads Brady’s things before hoping back in the driver’s seat. Brady hugs Andrew before hauling me close and kissing me deeply. It’s a kiss that will linger on my lips long after he’s gone. I ignore the hooting coming from the van and the giggling from Andrew. Brady gives me another chaste kiss. I’m lost in his eyes.

Jesse leans out of the window and shouts, “Come on, lover boy, let’s go.”

The trance is broken, and Brady climbs in the side of the van. As the door closes he yells, “I love you, Sunshine.”

Andrew and I watch the van leave the driveway.

“Why does Daddy call you ‘Sunshine’?”

Blush heats my cheeks with the memory as I remember when Brady teased me about my lust-filled romance books. Though I protested, he called them porn, and I’ve been Sunshine ever since. I can’t very well tell Andrew that story.

“I brighten his day.” I smile at him, and he smiles back.