
“Yep, it’s a rule.”

“What’s a rule?”

“Daddy.” Andrew leaps from the stool. He runs and jumps in Brady’s arms. Brady picks him up and carries him into the kitchen. He kisses me on the lips with a smile.

“You’re home early.”

He sets Andrew down. “Yeah, Gabe had child-care issues.”

“Oh. Where’s his girlfriend?”

Brady’s brow creases together in that familiar way. “Hey, buddy, why don’t you go to the bathroom and wash your hands?”

Andrew leaves, and I feel on edge. Brady clears his throat. “Gabe’s girlfriend had leukemia. She died last year.”

“Oh.” I had no idea. “I remember his comment about her not being cool with him practicing in the house. I just thought…”

“I didn’t know, either. It came up after you left when he was late for a session. He’s a single dad, and he works nights so he can be in the studio during the day.” He touches my cheek with a pensive look in his eyes. “I don’t know how he does it.” I know he’s thinking what it would be like if something happened to me. I’m thinking it, too, but neither of us says it.

“Does he have any family?”

He sighs and shakes his head. “His mom helps out. Other than that, I don’t know.”

“We’re having spaghetti,” Andrew tells Brady as he comes back from washing his hands.

I smile, noticing how much water he got on his shirt. I drain the noodles, thinking about what Gabe said at the studio about life being short. I understand exactly what he meant now. I never want to be away from Andrew or Brady again. Lost time isn’t something we can ever get back.

We eat dinner together, and then go down to play on the beach and watch the sunset. The sound of Brady’s and Andrew’s laughter fills the air and melts my heart. We go up to the house, and I give Andrew a bath. I read him a story about a rough-and-tumble cowboy who befriends a soft and fluffy poodle. He laughs as I read. I swear it’s a sound I could listen to forever. I pull his covers up and kiss his head as I tell him goodnight. As I’m closing the door to leave, I hear him call my name. I turn back to him.

He looks right at me, and through his father’s eyes says, “I love you.”

I melt as my heart bursts with joy. I swallow hard. “I love you, too. Goodnight, kiddo.”

“Goodnight.” He smiles before rolling on his side toward the wall. I close the door, reflecting how powerful those three words can be.

Brady’s on top of the bed when I enter the room. “You look happy,” he says as I crawl up the bed next to him.

“I am very happy.”

His smile mirrors my joy. “Me, too.”

I nestle in close to Brady with my head on his chest. His heartbeat in my ear lures me to sleep. “He’s an amazing kid. Thank you for sharing him with me,” I say groggily as my eyes grow heavy and I drift into peaceful sleep.

Chapter 25


The next month flies by, and our lives fall into a steady routine. Andrew loves school and has lots of friends. Brady had paperwork drawn up last week, and I signed the documents this morning. Legally, I’m Andrew’s mother now. We didn’t tell him, and I’d never push him to forget about his real mother. He doesn’t call me Mom, and that’s okay. The paperwork is more peace of mind for Brady and me. Andrew and I grow closer ever day. I think he finally feels secure in the fact that I’m here to stay. I don’t have to promise as often that I won’t leave him. He no longer worries about his mother or if she’s coming back. When she comes up, I encourage him to tell me about her. As hard as it is for me, I want him to remember her fondly. The happy memories with her are the ones I want him to treasure.

Second Chances finished up their studio work. The first single from the album is due to release at the end of the week. The following week they’re leaving on their first tour, opening up for another band that’s signed with the label. They’ll start with California, and if the single does well, then they might go nationwide. I have mixed feelings about being away from Brady for long periods of time, but the road is no place for Andrew. Brady and I both agree he should be home with me. We decide to Skype as often as we can. Harrison and Liv are due back from Tahiti this morning. I can’t wait to see them. Brady took Andrew clothes shopping because he’s outgrown everything so I could be here when Liv gets in. The only person noticeably absent from our lives is Tug. I know he’s avoiding coming home because he doesn’t want to see me. I’ve sent him several texts. He hasn’t responded. As much as I’m afraid to see him, I miss him and our friendship terribly. I hope once we talk, he’ll forgive me and we can go back to the way things were.

I’m about to start brewing a cup of coffee when I hear the front door. I flip the switch on the coffeemaker before sprinting to the living room. Liv smiles, setting her luggage to the side. I jump up and down before throwing myself at her for a hug.

“I’m so glad you’re home,” I squeal in her ear.

She laughs and releases our hug. “I’m glad to be home.”