“Brady, please.”

“I know, baby.”

I sigh softly. “No, I need you inside me.”

He pulls back to look at me, his green eyes sparkling. “You need me inside you. As in, it’s required?”

I should smack him. This is no time to be funny, but I’ve missed him so much — the passionate, loving Brady, the insanely gorgeous Brady, and even the sardonic and twisted Brady. “Yes.” I smirk up at him. “It is, like, right now…immediately.”

He smiles crookedly, tilting his head. “Well, then, I won’t dare keep you waiting.” He pushes into me in one quick thrust. I wince at first, but relax instantly as my body doesn’t hesitate to accept him. It never has.

The intensity between us has just reached its maximum. I nearly stop breathing. Brady sighs heavily as he begins to move. “You feel perfect.”

I reach up and thread my fingers through the back of his hair, lifting my head to seek out his lips. He kisses me deep and hard as he pushes forward. I bring my hips up to meet every one of his brilliant strokes. The tingling low in my spine has already started. Brady stills and looks down at me.

“Tori, I won’t live without you again.” He’s breathless, panting against my mouth. “Promise me you’ll never leave again.”

Never. “I promise.” I give his hair a pull, and yank him back down to taste his lips. I love the way he tastes, the shape of his mouth, the feel of his tongue. I have a long way to go to reassure him that I’m not going anywhere. I can’t live without him, either. I have to show him.

I rock my hips into him as he maintains his gentle rhythm. His head rises to look into my eyes. His green eyes, heavy with lust, look more cloudy gray as he smiles down on me. His lips cover mine again as he increases his tempo until his hips thrust forward so hard I’m sliding up the bed. He pushes again, and my head hits the headboard. He yanks me back down, while at the same time his hips surge forward on a powerful thrust. I feel the prickling run up my spine. My thighs clench tight. My toes curl, and I come completely unraveled. My entire body jerks with wild pleasure as I try to catch my breath and calm the convulsions wreaking havoc on my limbs. I feel Brady shudder slightly before he bucks his hips for a final time, flooding me with his hot release. His body crumbles as he relaxes onto me, mumbling incoherently into my neck.

“Can’t…breathe….squishing…me.” I push against his chest with my palm.

He laughs, pulling out of me and falling onto his back. “That was incredible.”

I roll over and nestle in close to him, my cheek enjoying the warmth of his chest. “It was perfect.”

His fingers lazily skim the length of my arm. “So, what do you want to do now?”

I love the sound of the laugh that follows. I’ve made him happy.

I look up at him. “Well, we do have the house to ourselves for a few more hours.

I’m suddenly jerked beneath him again. He groans. “I’ve missed my greedy girl.”

His playful grin makes me smile.

He shifts his weight so the bulk of his body is on the bed with one

of his legs draped over mine. His head rests next to my shoulder as his fingers trace circles on my stomach. My hand slips into his hair. I massage his scalp with my nails. Our mood is content.

How could I have been so blind? For months I felt like my life wasn’t worth living, when the person I needed to fulfill me was right in front of me, waiting for me to reach out to him.

I have no idea what obstacles life has waiting for us, but I’m positive we can hurdle anything thrown our way as long as we’re together.

Chapter 23


Once we shower off the whipped cream and syrup, we climb back into bed and cuddle close. I’m thinking about everything I have to take care of before I can move back to Mexico. The thought of spending any time away from Brady hurts. “When do you have to go back?”

He shifts his weight to his back. His arm rises to cover his forehead. “Our flight leaves at seven-thirty tomorrow morning.”

“Our flight?” I sit up, resting against the headboard.

His head lifts to look at me. “Yes, our flight.”

I’m filled with joyful emotions knowing he came here with the intention of taking me home. “What if I say no?”