“No.” Her gaze turns away from me. At least she feels shame. “He was with you. I knew he was safe.”

I throw up my hands, irritated beyond belief. “That’s not the point, though, Ann.”

“I know. I’m sorry, Brady. I don’t know what I’m doing. The kid didn’t come with a manual. Sometimes I just feel trapped.”

My eyes flick up to her face. Her remorseful expression tamps my anger a little. “I understand.” I want to continue to rip her and tell her to wake up and face her responsibilities, but I can see she’s defeated. I don’t know where she’s been for the last three days, but it’s obviously drained her. She looks like she’s ready to drop. “Come here.”

She walks into my arms. I hug her, for now. Tomorrow, when she’s sober and rested, we’ll discuss this again. Andrew’s security is not optional.

“Thanks.” Her voice is weak. She lets go of me and sits on the bed.

I sit next to her and pat her knee. “What do you want to do with your life?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I’ve thought about going to nursing school.”

“So do it.” She looks at me like I’m an idiot. I realize she probably doesn’t have the money for nursing school. “I’ll pay for it.”

Her head snaps to look at me. “You will?”

“Absolutely,” I answer instantly. “You’re the mother of my child. If you agree to buckle down and quit partying, I’ll help you, even get you an apartment.” Wanting the best for Andrew means providing for his mother. I know that, and I’m willing to help her in any way I can. I know she wants more, but it will never happen. This is as much as I can offer.

Her gaze drops to her lap, watching her fingers twine nervously together. “I don’t know what to say.”

I pull her arm, lifting her from the bed. “Let’s get you to bed. We can talk tomorrow.” I walk her down the hall to the extra room. She sits on the bed, peering up at me, her makeup running down her cheeks. “I love him.”

“I know you do.” I reach down and remove her shoes before tucking her into bed.

Chapter 21


Tug shows up a few minutes before six. I open the door and feel my jaw start to drop. I snap it closed. Tug doesn’t look cute or adorable. He looks handsome, and fuckable. Oh, my God. I can’t even believe I just thought that. It’s so wrong, but Tug is hot. He’s in a black suit that fits his tall, lean frame exquisitely. His crisp white dress shirt is unbuttoned at the top without a tie. My eyes work along his square jaw. I look away. It’s Tug. I shouldn’t be having dirty thoughts about him.

My mother greets him with a hug and a kiss. “It’s so good to see you, Aidan,” she coos adoringly at him. She’ll never call him Tug.

“I was thrilled when Tori said you were in town.” Her head nods in my direction. “She’s driving her dad and me nuts. She needs to get out.”

“Mom!” I admonish her.

Tug laughs, almost agreeing.

“What?” she says sheepishly.

“Hello, Mr. Preston.” Tug greets my father with a friendly handshake.

My dad’s chest puffs out. I nearly laugh. I don’t think he needs to send silent warnings to Tug. He’s not here to steal his daughter’s virtue. “How are you, son?” Even his voice deepens in warning.

Tug nods. “I’m well, thank you.”

“Are you enjoying Minnesota?” my father asks, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

“It’s all right. I tell you, though, the mosquitoes you have here could carry a small child away.”

My dad chuckles and relaxes completely. “You got that right. I wish they’d carry away the damn raccoons. They keep getting into the garbage.”

“I told you to put the barrel in the garage.” My mom smiles at Tug, jabbing a thumb at my father. “Thick, that one.”

Tug laughs politely, although I’m sure he’s not interested in listening to my parents bicker about their wildlife problem.