“What about the baby?”

His eyes shift to the floor, and the sob he’d been holding back tears from his chest and rips through mine. “You’re going to be okay.”

The gurney pushes through double doors. I’m lifted onto a hard table. People in scrubs fly by around me. A nurse tugs on my IV and tells me to breathe. What the fuck does that mean? Brady is at my side, his hand in mine. “Brady, I’m scared. Please talk to me.” He looks away again. I suddenly realize why he can’t look at me. “Brady, don’t let our baby die.”

His eyes meet mine, swollen and puddled with unshed tears. He brushes hair away from my face, his palm resting on my head. He leans in and kisses my cheek. “You’re going to be okay,” he whispers in my ear.

“Stop saying that! What about the baby, Brady? What about Mona?”

His head falls onto my neck as he shakes uncontrollably. “I can’t lose you.”

“Don’t let our baby die.” I reach around and grab his face in my hands. “Do you hear me? You save our baby. Please.”

“You’re going to be okay.”

“Save my baby, please!” I scream over and over, hoping that someone will hear me, because I know Brady doesn’t. He lost his mother during childbirth. He’s lived with the guilt and the trauma of that his entire life. He’ll never lose me, too. I want my baby to have a life with her father, even if that means I can’t be a part of it. I keep screaming, begging someone to listen. Brady pulls away from me when the nurse tells him he has to leave. I latch onto his arm until it slides away, my hand moving down his forearm, his hand, the tips of his fingers. This could be the last time we’ll touch. Someone squeezes a syringe into the IV tube, telling me it will help me calm down. I don’t want to calm down! I want them to save my baby! I’m forced to my back and feel a needle pinch as it enters my spine. My eyes stay fixed on Brady’s as he backs away, his hands fisted in his hair. I mouth save our baby one last time before my eyelids grow heavy, weighted by the medication they gave me. My fight falls away just as Brady slips through the door.

Chapter 14


I couldn’t tell her that our baby is already gone. That our little girl died on the way to the hospital and there was nothing I could do to stop it. This is my fault. I let Davey back into my life knowing he was unstable.

Even if she survives, Tori will never forgive me for betraying her. I should have told her about Davey. I should have known better than to leave her at the house. I knew Davey was unstable, but I never thought he disliked Tori enough to hurt her. I sit in the waiting room alone with my guilt, trying to piece it all together. Liv and Harrison went for coffee. I’m sure they knew I wanted to be alone.

“How is she?”

I look up at Tug’s concerned face. He has a small cut above his eye. My gaze finds his knuckles, torn and bloody.

“She lost the baby.” I can hardly say the words.

“Liv told me. I’m sorry. Did they say how long the surgery would take?”

“A couple of hours.” I shrug, looking past him and staring at the wall. “Where is he?”

He sits next to me with his elbows resting on his knees. “He’s in police custody. That’s all I know.”


sp; “I never thought he was capable of this.”

He sits back against the chair, stretching his legs. “I know.”

I snap my eyes back to him. “God, if you weren’t there…”

He slaps my shoulder. “But I was!”

“Fuck! If she doesn’t make it, Tug…”

“She will. She’s strong.”

His words make me think. She may survive the surgery, but is she strong enough to survive losing Mona? “I hope so.” I frown before slinking back in the chair.

“I’m heading to the cafeteria for coffee.” He stands. “You want one?”

I shake my head. Tug clamps down on my shoulder again, offering a reassuring smile before walking away. I don’t feel any better, but I appreciate the gesture.

I stand and resume pacing. How long has it been? My eyes find the receptionist again. She shakes her head. I’m sure she thinks I’m a lunatic. I feel like one.