Jesse drops me at the door, and then leaves to find a parking spot. I sprint in through the doors, screaming frantically, “Where is she?” I stop a few people with hospital attire. None of them are able to help me. “Where is Tori?”

“Señor, yo te ayudo. Es lo que buscas?”

Finally, someone who can help me. I turn to the woman speaking from behind the desk. “Tori…Victoria Preston. She was brought in by ambulance.”

She smiles, one of those patronizing smiles, alerting me that bad news is coming. “Oh, yes. The doctors are with her now? Are you her husband?” I’m thankful she’s switched to English so I don’t have to translate.


She gestures to the waiting room. “Someone wi

ll be out to speak with you soon.”

“I need to see her.” My voice breaks on a plea of desperation.

“I’m sorry.” Her gaze falls. “You can’t see her right now.” She points at the waiting room again. “Please have a seat.”

“Have a seat? Are you fucking kidding me?” I don’t want to sit. I want to see my wife. I know I’ll get nowhere arguing with this woman.

“Sir.” It’s all she says, and it’s a warning.

I start wearing a hole in the floor in front of her desk, raking my hands through my hair and cursing under my breath. She looks up every so often and offers me a concerned smile.

Liv and Harrison come running up the hallway with Jesse. Liv practically knocks me over when she hugs me. “Oh, God, Brady. Is she okay?”

I look up, shaking my head. Liv’s been crying, her mascara dripping down her cheeks.

“I don’t know.” I scowl at the woman behind the desk, but she doesn’t see me. “They won’t let me see her.”

“What happened?” Harrison asks, pulling Liv close to his side.

Both of them watch me with wide eyes. “Davey came to the house. He fucking attacked her.”

“What?” Liv shouts, earning her a scornful look and a “shush” from the receptionist.

“I should have been there.” My voice cracks, and I know if I look at Liv, I’m going to lose it.

She brushes her hand down my arm once. “How’d you find out?”


“Where is he?” she asks, glancing around.

“He’s here somewhere.” I hadn’t even thought to ask about Tug. “He rode in the ambulance with Tori.”

“I’ll go check on him,” Harrison offers, and I nod. He makes his way over to the receptionist, speaking with her much more politely than I did before. I watch him take the corner and disappear down the hallway. Jesse excuses himself to make some phone calls. I know he has a mess to clean up with the band since we bailed on the show.

“Is Tug all right?” Liv asks, her hands visibly trembling.

I pull Liv close and wrap her in a hug. “Yeah, he said he was fine. He put a hurt on Davey.”

“Jesus, Brady.”

I kiss her on top of the head and release her. “If he wasn’t in jail, I’d find him, Liv. I’d fucking kill him.”

She gasps, reaching for my hand. I let her take it. “Don’t say that, Brady.”

“I should have seen this coming. Damn it!”