I glance up to Harrison for help, but he’s busy watching the show, so I reach out and shove him in the arm. He looks down at Liv, who is now crying. He helps her from the stool, and they stride away from me. I have no idea what has just happened or if I should go to her. It seems like Harrison has it under control. I decide to let her calm down before I try to pry out of her what the hell that was all about.

Tug fills the seat Liv empties, his eyes glued to the stage. I glance over to the bar to find an unwelcome face staring at our table. I freeze, my body tensing with nerves. I don’t want him to cause a scene. I get up from my chair and tell the group I’m using the restroom.

I walk toward Davey with determination. The alcohol on his breath reaches me seconds before I get to him. “What are you doing here?” I ask, not attempting to hide the bitterness in my voice.

He drains his glass and slams it on the bar. “I came to see Brady.” His words are slurred, and he’s having trouble focusing.

“He’s a little busy.”

He hiccups. “I got” —hiccup— “talk him.”

His eyes spin circles in his head as he tries to focus on my face. He’s obviously wasted.

“You should go home, Davey.” I place a hand on his arm, encouraging him to walk. “Brady will call you tomorrow.”

He yanks his arm free. “What the fuck is your problem?” he snaps. “That’s my friend up there, and I want to apologize.” His body sways as spit escapes his mouth with each garbled word.

“You can apologize when you’ve sobered up.” I try to wave at Tug to get his attention, thinking maybe he can drive Davey home. He’s focused on the show and doesn’t see me.

“Fuck you!” His voice is a thunderous roar. I’m shoved up against the wall with Davey’s forearm pressing into my throat. “I’m not an alcoholic, you fucking cunt!”

I’m struggling to get a breath when suddenly the music stops. The pressure eases completely. Brady drags Davey outside by his shirt. I follow them, holding my throat and coughing. Someone holds the door open as Brady literally tosses Davey outside before walking out through the doors. The vein in his temple twitches wildly as he glares at Davey.

Davey scurries to his feet and glares back at Brady. Tug joins us outside, followed by Liv and Harrison, and then Mercedes and Scott.

Brady clears his throat and stands tall, pointing a finger at Davey. “We’re done!”

“What? Oh, come on, man.” Davey gestures at me, doing his best to stand still, but staggering back and forth. “Are you really going to let some whore come between us?”

I gasp as Brady lunges for him. I’m terrified. Brady won’t stop until Davey’s a bloody mess on the sidewalk. Oh, God! Brady will get in trouble, possibly end up in jail. A relieved blast of air leaves me as I watch Tug pull Brady back.

“He’s not worth it, bro.”

Brady doesn’t fight. “You’re right,” Brady agrees, glaring at Davey in rage. “He’s trash!”

“And she’s a slut!” Davey eggs Brady on, knowing his fuse is short. He wants a fight. I mentally beg Brady not to give him one.

Tug tosses Davey a murderous look. “Get the hell out of here, Davey, before I decide to let him loose.”

“Come on, Brady.” Davey’s voice lowers. “She’s just some chick. We’re friends.”

“We were friends, Davey!” Brady’s fists twitch at his side. He shakes his head, letting out a defeated sigh. “You need help.”

“Fuck this shit!” Davey spits on Brady’s shoes. “I’m out of here! Don’t come crawling back to me when she fucks all your friends.”

Brady ignores Davey and looks at Tug. “Can you call him a cab??


Tug nods. Brady turns and walks inside without saying another word. I know that was nearly impossible for him to do. I don’t know how he stopped himself, but I couldn’t be more proud of him. Not long ago, Brady would have never backed down from a fight. He’d have taken the bait and laid Davey flat, consequences be damned.

Chapter 12


“Wake up, Sunshine.” Brady pulls the covers from the top half of my head.

I groan, yanking the covers back up over my head. “Go away.”