The drums die out, and all that remains is the final strum of guitar filtering through the speaker with Brady’s last slow verse.

It’s only you.

Brady flashes a grin, and his sultry voice thanks the crowd. Girls begin to scream as they reach up on the stage, trying to grab at his feet, shouting, “It’s only you for me, too.” Some are fanning themselves. Am I actually ready for this? To share him? I thought I was, but now I’m not sure. My heart pounds in my ears.

Before I can think too long about it, a new song begins. This one I recognize. It’s faster, and Brady doesn’t watch me this time. He’s all about working the stage and the women. He owns it. He loves this, and there is no turning back. He’s hooked. I can see it in his eyes. Second Chances has a new lead singer. I couldn’t be happier for him.

Mercedes and her band head backstage to prepare for their set, leaving me alone with Tug, who has apparently ditched the brunette. Liv texts me to let me know that she and Harrison aren’t going to make it. After several more songs, Second Cha

nces completes their set and thanks the crowd. The women erupt with pleas for more.

Brady smiles politely, at the same time raking his fingers through the overgrown mop of hair hanging in his eyes, which earns him another round of screaming. “We’d love to play more for you, but we’re here as Mercedes’ guest tonight. Besides, I have to get back to my girl.” His smoldering eyes find me as he leaps from the stage.

The room fills with “awwwws” as Brady heads right for me with heated determination. His arms are instantly around me, sweeping me off my feet and holding me tight to his chest. I feel his heart racing though his shirt at an insanely quick pace. His lips smash against mine as he kisses me deeply. After a few seconds, I release the kiss, suddenly aware that everyone is watching us.

“Did you like it?”

“It was amazing! I’m so proud of you, Brady.”

Brady’s smile widens at my praise. I know neither Sheila nor Nate ever used the words “proud” and “Brady” in the same sentence. He laughs nervously and squeezes me tight one more time before he sets me down. As he pulls back, his face turns serious, and his unbearably green eyes gleam with happiness. He grips my hand and walks straight toward the exit with me in tow.

Chapter 9


Once we’re outside, Brady spins me around to face him.

“Let’s get married.”

“What?” That was out of nowhere. We discussed it when I first got pregnant, but we both agreed it was just a piece of paper and that we could wait.

“Tonight,” he insists. “Right now.”

What? Tonight? Obviously his performance has rendered him crazy. “What about our family?”

He shrugs. “We can plan a real wedding later. I don’t want to wait. I want you to be my wife, Sunshine, not my baby mama.”

Oh. I swallow back the cotton in my throat. “Is that what this is about? Because I’m okay with being your baby mama.” I smirk at him.

His eyes narrow before he curls a hand behind my neck and brings me close. Our faces nearly touch. After a annoyed sigh, he says, “I’m not.”

“Brady.” What do I say? Am I actually considering this?

“Shhh.” Brady’s hands fly up to hold both sides of my face. “I know I said we could wait. But I can’t. I want it to be official. I want you to be Mrs. Brady Hunter when Mona is born.”

I push against his chest with my palm. “You’re crazy. You know that, right?”

He releases my face and chuckles. “I’m crazy about you.” It’s a cheesy line but thrills me nonetheless. “And I want you to be my wife.”

How can I possibly deny him when he’s so exuberant in his request?

“You do realize it’s late. If I agree, we’ll have to wait until the morning.”

That’s when I notice his overly smug grin.

“Not if we drive to Vegas!”

Oh, my God! He is crazy!