Scott greets me. “Hi.”

I accept his hand, shaking it limply. Next, I’m introduced to their bass player, Freddie. He flashes a big smile as he shakes my hand. There’s an easygoing nature behind his eyes that relaxes me.

Mercedes gestures to the guy next to Freddie. “This is our drummer and Scott’s best friend, Mark.”

Though we’re inside, Mark is wearing sunglasses. I can’t see his eyes, but he smiles brightly and shakes my hand. Mark and Freddie seem nice. They don’t hand around long, instead choosing to mingle with fans. I’m relieved. On top of being nervous for Brady, I’m completely overwhelmed.

Scott takes a seat at the high table next to Mercedes. They carry on an intimate conversation. Brady slips a hand around my waist and starts nibbling on my neck.

Over his shoulder, I see Jesse and Chad stroll into the bar. I guess Chad does own a shirt. He’s wearing a plaid flannel with jeans. He looks different. I’m thrilled to see his girlfriend, Jessica is with them. Her sleek, black hair sways as she walks. I’ve hung out with her a few times while the guys practiced, and I like her a lot. Mercedes hugs all three of them, much in the same way she hugged Brady. Hmm…maybe she hasn’t slept with Brady. Perhaps she’s just a hugger.

I feel Brady’s lips on the side of my head. “I didn’t sleep with her,” he whispers in my ear. Of course he knows exactly what I’ve been thinking. I can’t help the small smile that comes in relief. Not only relief that he didn’t sleep with her, but also because I actually like her, and now I can put the claws away and play nice.

I crane my neck to look at him, deciding to tease him. “But you wanted to.”

He laughs in my ear. “She was our babysitter. We all wanted to.”

I shove an elbow into his side, but I’m not mad. Mercedes is beautiful. I can’t blame the lot of them for crushing on her.

“I bet Chad loved that.”

He smiles and nods. “He wanted to kick all our asses.”

Jesse picks me up in a hug, his excitement for tonight evident on his scruffy face. I reach up and scratch his cheek. “How long has it been?”

“Two weeks,” he states proudly. “I think I can do it this time.”

“Good luck, then.” Jesse’s been trying to grow a beard for as long as I’ve known him. Generally after about two weeks the itching makes him so crazy, he shaves it.

Chad gives me a quick hug. I hear him ask Brady to speak to him in private. I watch them walk away as Jessica brings me in for a hug. She squeals. “How are you? I can’t believe how awesome you look.”

“Oh, thanks.” I try to sound interested, but my mind is trying to sort out why Chad needed to speak with Brady alone.

Jessica’s hand moves over my belly, circling gently as my gaze stays with Brady and Chad. I don’t mind her touching me. I’ve grown used to it. Even complete strangers ask if they can rub my belly. “Seriously, I hope I look as good as you when I’m about to pop.”

I bring my eyes back around to her, glancing at her stomach. “Are you pregnant?” I’m actually a little excited that one of our friends might have a baby around the same age as ours.

“Oh, no.” She shakes her

head, laughing at the idea. “That didn’t come out right. I just meant, when I am, I hope I look as good as you.”

“Awe, you’re sweet, Jessica.” My eyes find Brady and Chad again. Jesse has joined them. “Do you know what they’re talking about?”

Jessica sighs, holding up her index finger, her dark eyebrows reaching toward the sky. “I’ll give you one guess.”

The way she says it makes it quite obvious. Davey is missing. “Oh, shit. Where is he?”

“No idea.” She shakes her head. “We swung by his place to pick him up, but he wasn’t there.”


The band is about to go on to a full house, and there is still no sign of Davey. Their first gig, and the lead singer is nowhere to be found. All the guys are on their cell phones, trying to track down Davey, when Tug walks in through the front doors. His dazzling smile fills the room. He’s in a charcoal-gray suit with a deep blue tie. I can’t get used to seeing him in suits. The Tug I grew up with is a board shorts and T-shirt kind of guy. I have to admit that he rocks the look. I notice every female head in the place turn toward him. He nods as he strolls confidently toward me and slips his arm around my waist before kissing me on the cheek.

“Hey, beautiful.”


“I thought I was late.” He glances around. “Shouldn’t they be playing already?”