“Why do we need a list?” I shout, walking into the living room to see if I’ve left my purse in there. I didn’t. I go back to the kitchen and check all of the chairs.

She waves a hand, rolling her eyes. “Do you have any idea how much we need to get? There’s feeding, and changing, and sleeping.” She ticks off each item on her fingers. “Oh, and clothing,” she finishes with an enthusiastic grin.

Ignoring her, I stand there, tapping my chin, mentally retracing my steps. I can’t remember when I had it last. Maybe I left it in Tug’s car.

“Are you listening to me?” Liv’s shouting breaks my concentration.

I turn to her. “Uh…yeah, I’m just trying to remember where I left my purse so we can head out.”

She pushes her chair back and stands with a grin. She walks up to me, reaching for my shoulder. “You mean this purse?” A rumble of laughter erupts from her as she lifts the purse strap.

“Pregnancy sucks!” I inform her through my own bout of laughter.

Chapter 6


Liv and I shop until it’s almost dark. I finally convince her that nothing more will fit in the car. I hate to admit it, but I had fun. We laughed and talked as though we were sixteen again. I’ve missed these moments between us. These days, they’re few and far between. Not that we aren’t still besties. We’ll always be that. We’ve spent so much time with our significant others that we haven’t made enough time for just us girls. Today reminds me that we should definitely make time more often.

When we get home, Jesse’s van is in the driveway. Liv and I unload the car and carry everything up to Mona’s room. We both drop to the floor after the last load.

“I’m wiped,” I say, falling onto my back and lying on the floor. “You wore me out.”

She lies on her back next to me. “I’m surprised you made it as long as you did.”

I’m actually surprised as well. “It was fun.”

She turns her head to me. Her eyes smile. “It was fun, huh? It seems like just yesterday we used to have marathon shopping days once a week.”

“You mean that you used to drag me out shopping once a week,” I remind her. Liv has always loved shopping. I’ve always hated it.

“I only had to drag you when you were moping because you and Jake had a fight.”

I scowl at her. “What’d you bring him up for?”

“Sorry.” She has the decency to look apologetic for bringing up my worthless ex. “I wasn’t thinking. Do you ever hear from him?”

My eyes bug out of my head. “No! Thank God.”

“Hey, one good thing came out of your relationship.”

I roll over, propping up on my elbow and glaring at her. “I hardly think so.”

She rolls to her side to face me, smiling. “If he hadn’t been a cheating asshole, you’d probably still be with him.”

I cringe at the very thought of still being with Jake. “Great, so he gets props for being a slimeball?”

“Kinda.” She giggles.

Crazy as she is, I know what she means. We wouldn’t have been shopping all day for baby things because Mona would have never been conceived.

“What in the hell?” Harrison stands in the doorway. His dimples dig deep while he survey’s the room. “Is there anything left in the store?”

I sit up, laughing, and point at Liv. “She’s a serious shop-a-holic.”

“I know,” he agrees, smiling adoringly down at Liv. “How much does one baby need?”

“You have no idea, hon.” Liv gets up and plants a kiss on his cheek.