“Hel-lo?” she sings, following me. “Do you even have to ask?”

I didn’t have to ask, but I might regret that I did. Liv loves to shop, and I have a feeling I just signed on for hours and hours of it. “I just need to take a quick shower, and then we can go.”

“Okay. I’ll be downstairs.”

After undressing for the shower, I stand in front of the full-length mirror and sigh. I’m not huge by any means. In fact, if I wear a big enough shirt, you can hardly tell I’m pregnant. It’s the stretch marks streaking across my stomach and over the tops of both

of my hips that I’m beginning to loathe. I’ve tried every product on the market, and not a one of them has done a damn bit of good.

“Would you stop?”

I turn to find Brady leaning on the door frame with his arms over his chest.

“Stop what?”

He walks up behind me, slipping his arms around my waist and rubbing my belly. “Don’t be coy with me. You know what. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and a few stretch marks won’t change that.”

I melt into him. His opinion is the only one I care about. If they don’t bother him, I shouldn’t mind. Not to mention when I hold Mona in my arms, every mark will be worth it. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He nuzzles my neck. “You slept late.”

I turn in his arms so I can kiss his lips. “Yeah, someone kept me up all night.”

He rubs his nose over mine. “Well, this someone must be crazy about you, then.”

“He’s crazy, all right.” I yelp when he pinches my butt. “Hey!”

“I have to get back, but I just wanted to check on you.” He kisses me and starts to pull away.

I yank him back in and make him kiss me once more. “Are you sure you have to get back?” I ask, keeping my mouth on his.

His laughter tickles my lips. “You didn’t get enough of me last night?”

I tug his bottom lip between my teeth. “I’ll never get enough of you, Brady.”

He growls, lifting me up and setting me down gently on the counter before he thrusts his hard body between my thighs. The cold tile causes me to shiver. It’s fine. He’ll have me warmed up in no time.

“I think I have a few minutes.”

I squeeze his butt and bring him closer. “Only a few?”

“Are you done with that shower yet?” Liv’s voice reaches the bathroom.

Brady groans.

I look up, grinning. “I promised shopping.”

“Oh, then I’d better get back to it.” He gives me a quick peck. “She’ll never give up.”


Brady goes back to practice with a serious case of blue balls. I finish my shower, get dressed, and search the entire upstairs unsuccessfully for my purse before meeting Liv in the kitchen.

She holds up a piece of paper, grinning with excitement. Inviting Liv on this little shopping trip might have been a mistake.

“You made a list?” I ask as I look around the kitchen, trying to remember where the hell I put my purse.

“Uh, yeah.” She waves the list in the air.