“Wow! That’s awesome!” I hold my hand up and we bump knuckles, but I notice she still looks glum. “So why the frown?”

“I don’t know. I want to go,” she says, rising from the bed and looking at me through the mirror above my dresser. “I’m just not sure I want to spend an entire week with his parents.”

I get out of bed and go to her. I know Brady thinks I should stay out of it, but my friend needs me. He’s a guy. What does he know, anyway? “I thought you liked his parents.”

Her body language is as despondent as her melancholy expression. “I do, but I’m already worried about how they feel about me, and a week together could be uncomfortable.”

I sigh and give her a hug. “Liv, I think if they were going to shun you because of your mother, they would have done it already.”

“Maybe you’re right.” She’s not convinced.

I need to push harder. “I am right.” I laugh. “You’re making assumptions. Don’t do that to yourself.”

She offers a weak smile. “I’ll try.”

I can tell there is more to it. Though I know it might upset her, I decide to prod further. “What else is on your mind?”

She looks at me through her thick dark lashes. “Do you think Harrison loves me?”

I blink back in surprise. “What? Of course he does.”

Her expression is solemn still. “Sometimes I feel like he’s only with me out of pity. I mean, look how we started out.”

I remember how Harrison took care of Liv for months after her mother killed herself while Liv fought off a bout of depression. He was the only one who could pull her out of it. Maybe it wasn’t the best start, but he loves her regardless.

Her big brown eyes are wet, and I reach up to cup her face. “Not every couple starts out with a movie and dinner.”

“I know, but he didn’t even like me.” She turns away. “He asked you out, remember?”

Okay, now’s she’s being ridiculous. “Only so he could get back at Brady,” I remind her, jerking on her arm so she’ll look at me.

She turns back to me, yanking her arm free. “I guess I worry that someday he’s going to wake up and realize he’s tired of taking care of me.”

“Enough with feeling sorry for yourself, damn it.” It’s harsh, but she needs some tough love. I want my spunky, maddeningly confident friend back. The shock that flashes over her face has me proceeding more carefully. “Again, you’re making assumptions. Did you ever consider that he might like taking care of you and that because of how the two of you ended up together, your bond is stronger than most?” I can tell by the look on her face that she hasn’t. “You guys are going to be fine. Get out of your head. Go to Tahiti. Drink a bunch of fruity drinks with those tiny umbrellas, and enjoy yourself.”

Her cheeks lift into a perfect smile. “You’re right. I knew you’d make me feel better. I love you.”

“I know you do. I love you, too.” We exchange a quick hug. I can sense how much better she feels. “Hey, have you seen Brady?”

“He’s in the studio,” she tells me as a worried look descends over her features. “The guys showed up at seven.”

I knew they’d be here early. “Is Davey here?”

“Yes,” she replies, lifting my chin. She looks me in the eyes. “You know, he’s really not a bad guy. He’s just had a rough start.”

“That’s what I keep hearing.” I plop down on the bed and look up at her. “I tried talking to him, and it didn’t help.”

“Well, at least you tried. Give it time. He’ll open up.”

I doubt it. “I hope so. I hate how awkward it is, and I know it bothers Brady.”

She sits next to me on the bed. “Did he say that?”

I shake my head. “He didn’t have to.”

She drapes her arm over me. “Now who’s making assumptions?”

I nudge the little brat with my shoulder. I much preferred when I was the one dishing out advice. “Do you want to go shopping with me for the nursery?” I ask her, standing back up and heading to the bathroom. “The show is tomorrow, and I’d like to be out of the house while they rehearse.” Truthfully, it’s so I don’t have to see Davey. I don’t tell her that, though.