He laughs and lifts me up into his strong arms. I nuzzle into his neck with a sigh as he carries me out of the room. Instead of walking to the kitchen, he goes up the stairs. I smile. Looks like I’m getting my way after all.

Brady sets me down on the bed before kneeling down in front of me and dropping kisses on my belly. His hands stroke small circles on each side of my bump. “Hey, baby girl. It’s Daddy.”

I roll my eyes.

“Mommy says she’s not hungry.”

Mona kicks, responding to Brady immediatel

y. I smile bright as the sun, watching the sparkle in his eyes as he speaks to our baby. It’s sweet.

He flashes me a playful grin before putting his ear to my belly. “Oh…what’s that? You don’t care what Mommy says. You’re hungry.”

I roll my eyes again. He’s incorrigible. My hands delve into his hair as he continues his conversation with my belly. If he weren’t so cute, I’d protest more.

“Well, don’t you worry, baby girl. Daddy is going to feed you.”

My lips form a pout. I guess I’m not getting my way after all.


I return to our room with a tray of cheese, fruit, and crackers.

Tori folds her hands over her chest and huffs. “I’m not hungry.”

Her adorable pout makes me laugh. I set the tray on the bed next to her and have a seat, popping a grape into my mouth.

“How was lunch with Tug?” I ask, ignoring her pitiful gaze.

“It was good,” she tells me, shaking her head. She disregards the tray of food. “We went by the Center afterward. Paco says, ’Sup?’”

I laugh. “I love that kid. Oh, hey…I…”

She interrupts. “Do you think Liv and Harrison are okay?”

“I think Liv and Harrison are none of our business,” I say firmly, letting her know it’s none of her business, either.

“I know, but I’m worried about her.” She frowns, clearly bothered by my response, but getting involved is a bad idea. “Has he said anything to you?”

“If he has, I wouldn’t say.” I tip her chin up until she’s looking at me. “Leave it.”

“I’ll try.” She smiles, but it’s weak. “What were you going to say before I interrupted you?”

“They’ll be fine.”

She nods, her smile more sincere.

“I have some news.”

“About?” she prompts.

I can’t contain my smile. “We got a gig.”


I nod. “Chad’s cousin is in a band. They’re playing in San Diego, Friday night at Humphrey’s. Their opening act flaked and Chad volunteered us.”

“Brady, that’s awesome.” She sits up straight with a huge smile. “What kind of band are they?”