Page 79 of Stitches

“How much is it going to cost?”

“I don’t know yet. A lot. Carrie said their next step…” He hesitates, so I know this won’t be good. “They’re going to make Moira come in and divulge the details. Supposedly so they can determine whether or not I spent any money on her, to see…” A bitter little laugh escapes him. “To see if I owe Ashley any financial reparations.”

Quiet rage surges through my veins at that. “The fuck she will. No one’s going to embarrass Moira.”

“Carrie said she needs to be prepared. Ashley’s already said she’s going to subpoena her. She’s going to make this as hard as she can, Seb.” He turns his head to look at me. “I’m so sorry.”

I feel his gaze, but I don’t meet it. I’m too angry, and I don’t want him to think he’s the one I’m pissed at. I know this isn’t his fault. I mean, it is, but it’s mine for ever letting this shit happen in the first place. I should’ve been able to see all those years ago that he wanted Moira. I should’ve noted what a coincidence it was that he just so happened to meet “the one” right after I did—especially when Ashley damn sure didn’t seem like the one to me.

This is my fault. I should have taken this noble motherfucker under my wing a long time ago instead of letting him gallop around aimlessly on a white fucking steed and make a mess of everything. I should’ve brought him in a lot sooner, because Moira would never do anything like this. Moira would have always been loyal to us. Moira would have made us both happy.

She still will, it’s just this Ashley headache I have to deal with first.

Over my dead body is anyone dragging my wife to a lawyer’s office to deliver intimate details of our sex life. I’m not shy by any means, but I’m not going to let anyone humiliate her, and that’s the motive behind this. She’s not ashamed when she’s in bed with both of us or living our life. It isn’t sordid in practice, but sitting there and reciting the raw details in front of people likely to judge her... that’s going to make it seem worse than it is. It won’t just incriminate Griff; it may make Moira feel like she’s done something dirty and wrong.

I’m not about to let that happen.

Their days of making decisions without me are over. They both make terrible fucking decisions. They need me, or neither of them would ever have order in their lives.

Since Griff isn’t in my head, he’s not privy to any of this. He’s just apologized and I’m quiet as the dead, so he goes on. “I’ll bow out, if you want me to. I won’t let them drag Moira in and question her. I’ll just confess to everything so they won’t have to. We can talk to Carrie in the morning and see how fast we could split up the business stuff. If it’ll stick, we just separate everything. Even if I lose half of everything—”

I interrupt, since everything he’s saying is stupid. “No, Griff. That’s not going to happen. That’s not how we work. One of us doesn’t abandon ship when the other is sinking.”

He’s quiet for a moment, then he states, “I tried to.”

“I wasn’t sinking,” I point out.

“But I wouldn’t have been there if you ever did. I tried to ditch you.”

I’m dismissive because I have to be. Because it’s what I need to believe, and I hope the bastard doesn’t argue. “Eh, you were never going to leave. You just wanted to fuck my wife. Knew I needed some proper incentive. Well played, my friend.”

I think he knows why I’m so dismissive about it. Normally I’m a stickler for accountability; I would want him to own what he tried to do, but not this time. Before Moira came into my life, Griff was the only person I knew had my back. The only person I could depend on to stick by my side, even if everyone else jumped ship. That’s the reality I’ve known over half my life, and I need to believe it.

Griff needs Moira, Moira needs me, and I need Griff.

He doesn’t have to, since I gave him an easy out, but now he tells me, “I’m really sorry for that, too. My head was a mess. I didn’t mean any of it. I was just….”

I don’t make him finish. I nod my head and murmur, “I know. It’s all right. Water under the bridge.”

“The water ever rises again, you never have to worry about me jumping,” he states.

I turn my head to meet his gaze now and offer a faint smile. “Same here.”

“Good thing,” he mutters. “I’ve got water up around my ears right now.”

“I’m a strong swimmer. I’ll get you out of this, don’t worry. You need to stop trying to help, though. Stop talking to Ashley. Block her number. Don’t see her again.”

“I offered to let her keep the house today,” he tells me.

I close my eyes briefly, massaging the bridge of my nose. “Remember when the lawyer and I both told you not to do that?”

“I know, but she came after Moira. I couldn’t just do nothing. If I could throw some money at her—”

“If you throw money at the greedy cunt, she’ll just ask for more. Jesus, Griff.”

“I just want her to go away,” he drawls. “I don’t give a fuck if I have to pay. I just want her to leave all of us alone.”

“She will, but not if you offer her money. Just let me handle this. I’m better at this stuff. You were married to her, you’re too emotionally involved. Just back off and let me deal with it from here on out.”