Page 75 of Stitches

“I just told you I’ll give you the whole house. I don’t give a fuck what you do with it. Sell it, take the money and get out of dodge. It doesn’t matter to me.”

Still, she shakes her head. “Not good enough. I’ve got you by the balls now, baby. Moira admitted she’s fucking you. You may have taken your ring off, but your ass is still married. I hope her cunt was worth it, because you’re going to pay dearly for it.”

My skull feels like it’s at risk of exploding. “You are the one who cheated on me, Ashley. You don’t get to play that card. I would say I hope all the dicks you took were worth it, but you’re a conniving bitch and you still have me over a fucking barrel. You’re the one who causes all this shit, and you’re still going to make out like a fucking bandit. There’s no fucking justice for me, but I don’t care; I just want you gone. I’m offering you our house and an envelope bursting with cash, and it’s still not good enough for you.”

With a sly grin, she runs a hand down my chest. “I don’t have to settle, baby. I’m not mad you’re fucking Moira. Oh, I’m not mad at all. I’m fucking ecstatic. Because guess what? That prenup is getting thrown out. When your sweet little girlfriend gets her subpoena and has to come clean about how she’s taking your cock while you and I are still legally married? You’re fucked—and not the fun way.”

I grab her wrist, twisting it and backing her into the room. She lets out a faint cry of surprise, but not pain. Her sharp gaze takes in the fire in my eyes, the set of my shoulders. She can feel the anger coursing through me, and even though she’s a conniving little cunt, she’s not an idiot, either. She softens—pretends to—and subtly pushes her breasts toward me, trying to remind me I liked to fuck her once and if I’m about to get violent for the first time in our lives, she would like to be naked first.

Fucking women, man.

I kick the door shut behind me. Ashley’s hot gaze remains on mine as I back her further into the room. “Do we need privacy, baby? I’m still open to fixing our marriage instead. We can stop this whole ugly divorce nonsense and spend the day making up.”

“I would rather die than ever put my dick anywhere near your toxic snatch again.”

Her eyebrows rise at my crassness. “Wow. That’s a little harsh.”

“No, that’s just true. I don’t know what I was thinking to even start dating you, let alone marry you. What the fuck was I on?”

Everything even resembling softness melts away and she narrows her eyes at me, not appreciating the insult. “I’m a fucking catch. Don’t fool yourself, Griff. You’re bitter because you couldn’t keep me satisfied and I had to go elsewhere to get the itch scratched. Apparently it’s a trend with you; now your dick is playing second fiddle to Sebastian’s.” Offering a snide smile, she adds, “Don’t know why anyone who has a firm hold on his dick would even waste their time with yours. You’re just a pity fuck to her, you know. Sebastian’s little princess is out of your league. She only fucks you because he makes her.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snap.

Her eyes dance, seeing she’s drawn blood. “You know it’s true, Griff. Moira doesn’t like you that way. She’ll do anything for Sebastian, though. Even you.”

Her words twist my stomach up in knots. My grip on her wrist tightens and I back her up a couple more steps, just to remind her I can. “I said, shut the fuck up.”

Instead, she continues mockingly. “Poor, sad Griff. Maybe they’ve made it one of their little sex games. When you’re not around and it’s just the two of them, they probably compare notes and laugh at how inferior you are.”

It shouldn’t sting, but it’s too close to private fears I’ve had at my lowest moments not to.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, distracting me for a blessed moment. I release Ashley’s wrist and reach into my pocket. I’m hoping it’s Moira. I know she’s not supposed to text me much right now, but I sure would like to hear from her.

It’s not a text, and it’s not from Moira. Sebastian is calling. Goddammit. Moira probably caved. I should have known she couldn’t keep it from him for a measly fucking hour and let me handle things.

I ignore the call and slide my phone back into my pocket.

Taking the envelope of cash out of Ashley’s hand, I tell her, “You’re gonna wish you took this offer.”

“You threatening me, Griff?”

“Nope. This is just the extent of what I’ll give you. It’s much more than you deserve.”

“Oh, I don’t think it is,” she disagrees. “You’re too much of a gentleman to make Moira talk about your personal matters.” Now she smiles. “It’s funny, isn’t it? You look like a beast and act like a gentleman. Sebastian looks like a gentleman. Bet he fucks like a beast. I was always curious, you know. Maybe you should rethink this divorce and we can all become swingers. Between the two of you, I’m sure my attention can be held. Then you can fuck Moira anytime you feel like it and I’ll get something out of the deal, too.”

“Seb wouldn’t fuck you with someone else’s dick,” I tell her, shoving the envelope back into my jacket. “He thinks you’re trash. I’ve come around to his way of looking at things.”

Her gaze is fixed on where I just stuffed the envelope. Moving closer, she reaches out a hand, but I grab her wrist to keep her from touching me.

“That’s good,” she tells me. “Can you squeeze a little harder? I would love a bruise.”

I release her wrist, my eyes narrowing on her smug face. “I’ll give you the house and $25,000. That’s it. That’s my final offer. If you want to take it—”

She doesn’t even let me finish. “I don’t. But thanks for stopping by, baby. I’ll have my people call your people.”

When I leave Ashley’s hotel room, I feel shittier than I have in a long time. Seb calls again. I ignore him again. I need to talk to Moira and find out what the fuck she told him.

I need to talk to Carrie. I need to find out how bad this is. Instead of calling Seb, I shoot him a text and ask him to cover my afternoon, tell him I need to meet with Carrie.